Sweetheart {Muscular}

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You were running when you bumped into Midoriya sending you toppling to the ground "Deku! I cant find Kota! Aunt Shino is gonna kill me if he gets hurt on my watch!" he helped you up "I know where he is, follow me." You both ran up the mountain and right when Midoriya saw the villain he sprung into action as you grabbed Kota. You started running back down the mountain but stopped when you heard Midoriya scream out in pain.

You put Kota down "Its gonna be ok, im gonna go help Midoriya. Stay. Here!" You ran back to Midoriya not knowing Kota was following you. Once back you used your quirk, water gun, to knock the villain off his feet "Oi! Your also on Shigaraki's kill list but I have other plans for you!" You and Midoriya kept the fight up until you thought you had defeated the villain. Midoriya picked Kota up with his good arm "You ok?" "Y-yeah." He turned to check on you but screamed and thats when you felt the villain's presents behind you.

Realizing Midoriya was in no shape to fight and still needing to get Kota to safety you used your quirk to in one swift motion you sent them both flying off the mountain knowing Midoriya would get Kota to safety. The villain grabbed you while laughing "Your coming with me sweetheart."

(255 Words)

Requested by: insanegirl1252

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