family Fun and demon cuddles

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"Ashley!!" Mr and Mrs. Knight cheered, hugging me quickly before heading inside. I smiled and Awsten pulled me outside. " Ash!! What is this?! " he demanded, showing me Iero's most recent Instagram story. The word 'Loser' was under a picture of me from right after he had cut my hair. I was looking at the ground so that have him the perfect chance to do this. "Iero." I grumbled and he nodded, shoving his phone back into his jean pocket. He ran a hand through his blue hair and sighed, "what did he do Ashy?" I looked down and twirled a piece of my hair. " it was me not him Aws. " is all I said and as he was about to say something my dad pulled into the driveway. We looked to the car and smiled. "Awsten!" Dad grinned, embracing Aws in a bear hug.

" what did you do to your hair? " dad asked during dinner and I shoved my spaghetti into my mouth. "I don't know" I mumbled with a mouthful of food and Awsten snickered. We both know we aren't supposed to be idiots at the table but still do it. "Ashley Rose do not talk with your mouth full of food." Mom said, pointing her fork at me and I nodded. I swallowed and said, "Yes ma'am."

After dinner Awsten and I retrieved the games from the closet and smacked each other with them as we made our way to the living room. "Kids!!" The parents yelled and we laughed hysterically as game pieces flung across the room. God this always happens! It's the best!! "Gah! Damn it!!" Dad groaned since they are losing. " language sir! " I scolded playfully and Aws laughed. We one the first three games, they one the fourth one, now onto the last. "WOOHOO!!!! WE DID IT AWS!" I cheered, jumping up with him. We won :). He cheered with me and we did a victory dance.

"Bye Ash. Bye Dan." The Knights waved goodbye and we did the same. " Bye!! " dad shut the door and I sprinted up the stairs, "night dad!!" " night Ashley! " he yelled back to me from the bottom of the stairs. I jumped into bed and Gee tackled me. "FINALLY!!" He groaned, sitting on me. I laughed and cupped his face. " Sorry! When we play games we play to win. " I said and he sighed, "yeah I heard!!" He flopped next to me and scooped me up.

We put on quiet music for background sound and cuddled in the corner of my bed by my pillows. I was SO close to falling asleep when my laptop made the dreadful Skype noise. Gee started freaking out since he's never heard it before and I missed his forehead. "Its okay!! It's just my laptop gee. Probably Awsten or Brendon." He nodded, sighing of relief and I grabbed my laptop. I checked the name and scowled. Iero.

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