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"So I need to get to school Gerard. I'll be home in about 8 hours. Here's my cell number if you need me." I handed the demon a slip of paper with my number on it, like a parent would a babysitter the first time they leave their child with one. He nodded and ran a hand through his hair, "Can I stay in here? I have never seen such an interesting show." He asked, bouncing around a little bit on my bed. I sighed and said, " Yes, just don't be loud. " If my dad finds out he would be pissed.. He nodded again and I left.

"Hey Bren!! Aws!!" I smiled, greeting my best friends. They waved at me and so did someone else. Oh great. Frank fucking Iero. "Thought your smelly rat ass was in Italy Iero?" I said, making my way to the smoking idiot. He grinned and slipped his hand down my side to my waist, "Came back for you baby." I pushed his hand off of me and he blew his cigarette smoke in my face. I smiled slightly, okay I may hate the fucker but I missed having smoke blown in my face while he was visiting family.

"How cliche. Coming back for a girl." I shook my head in disappointment and he pretended to pout. "Well babe you wouldn't answer my calls." I rolled my eyes and said, "That's because I don't like you. Mccracken had me distracted anyway." I mumbled the last part but he was able to catch every word. Bert Mccracken decided to take Frank's spot in my life while the Italian rat was away. He's way rougher than Frank and doesn't listen to reason like Iero does sometimes.

Frank glared at McCracken. "Really? Huh. Bert!!" He hissed and the greasy boy was instantly there. Standing too close to me. I scooted closer to Frank and he stood in somewhat of a protective stance. He's clearly the nicer one in this situation. "What?" Bert groaned. "Heard you were messing with Charm while I was gone. That true?" Frank practically growled and I looked to my friends who are too interested in whatever they're doing to notice my situation.

"Maybe I was. But someone needed to do it." Bert said smugly and I held my sides where only a few days ago his hands had formed bruises. " you pinned me to the lockers Bert. I told you to stop but you didn't. " I said quietly and Frank turned to me, his arm hovering around me. His eyes softened and then filled with rage. "You did what Mccracken?!" Frank growled, turning to Bert. I let out a shaky breath, due to the horrible memories flooding back to my mind.

Frank turned back to me after Bert kept denying it. He looks worried. Why would Iero of all people be worried about me? He placed his hand hesitantly on my cheek. "Get out of here before I pummel you Mccracken." He said in a low voice and Bert walked off. I sighed and just as Frank was about to say something Bren and Aws ran to me. " Hands off Iero. " Awsten said, pushing Frank's hand off of me.

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