Oh Gerard

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I ran down the stairs and smiled awkwardly. Then the doorbell rang. Ah Gee. "Who's here at this time?" Dad asked and I ran to the door before Kat could get there. I opened the door with a grin and Gee hugged me instantly. "Gee!!" I said, throwing my arms around his neck. " who's this young man? " Kat and dad asked and Gee kissed my cheek quickly. I hope they didn't see that.

"This is Gerard Way." I said, shutting the door and walking with him to the couch. Dad stood up and looked down at Gee. My father is 6'3 so he's a giant compared to everyone else. Kat and I on the other hand take after our mom and are short mofos. "Hello sir." Gee said calmly and shook his hand. Dad nodded once as if approving of his grip and said, " hello gerard. " Kat also shook his hand and nudged me. "He's cute." She whispered and I felt my face get warm. Yeah she's right. He is.

" So how did you two meet? " Kat asked and I looked nervously at Gee who seems very calm somehow. "I-" He squeezed my knee under the dinner table and smiled. "We met at a record shop, I work there and she couldn't find what she wanted. I helped her and asked her to coffee which she agreed to and well we bonded I guess." Wow he has this all planned out.

I nodded and smiled at the table. "Yeah. He was just too sweet, couldn't say no." I said quietly and Kat yelled, " awwwwwwww! " I looked back up and ate some of the spaghetti dad had made, reaching my hand under the table and setting it on Gee's. "So... Is he your boyfriend?" Dad asked and I choked a little on my water kinda like they do in the movies. I coughed and Gee shot up from his slouching position. " sugar are you okay?! " he gasped, patting my back. I nodded and he let out a relieved breath, slowing the patting on my back to gentle rubbing. " Sugar?? " Kat grinned and I rolled my eyes.

Boyfriend.. Dad thinks gee is my boyfriend. "Well uhmmmmm.." I said quietly and Gee chuckled. "Really really good friends sir." He answered and I smiled at him. After dinner Gee helped dad clean up and I sat with Kat in the living room. "Spill ash. He's your boyfriend isn't he?" She poked my arm roughly and I looked back at gee. " No, you heard him. Just really really... Really good friends. " I replied and she hummed.

"Hey dork." Gee said, plopping down in the very small space between me and the arm of the couch. He scooted me over a little until he had enough space and the wrapped an arm around me. " hey stupid. " I grinned and Kat laughed. "I'm heading to bed. Early start tomorrow." Dad said and I nodded. " night dad. " Kat and I said and Gee waved. "Goodnight Mr. Charm." Dad nodded once and went to his room. " Gee I'm tired. " I whispered and he nodded. "So how's awsten and brendon?" Kat asked and I shrugged, " we haven't talked in a little while. Prom is soon and-" "OOOOOOO PROM!! WHO ARE YOU GOING WITH?!" Kat cut me off and I chuckled a little. " my friend Frank.. He asked a million times and Gee told me to say yes. We went dress shopping, I can show you tomorrow if you'd like sis? " I rambled and she nodded violently, "YES PLEASE! Now I'm going to head to bed as well. Good night kids, behave." I rolled my eyes and yelled, "Night!!"

Gee kissed me softly and stood up, holding his hand out to me, "Shall we?" I giggled and took his hand, getting tugged up into yet another soft kiss. God I love when he does that. We quietly made our way upstairs and as soon as we reached my bedroom gee stripped himself of his clothes, shoving his legs into sweatpants. I laughed and changed into my pajamas in the bathroom then say next to him on the bed. " your family is nice Ash. " he whispered, kissing my cheek. "Yeah, they kinda are." I smiled, sprawling out on the bed.

" Nuh uh. " Gee hissed, yanking my up by my hair. "Ow!" I swatted him and he scowled, lying down. " Now c'mere. " he pulled me back down and held onto me tight. I sighed, "goodnight gerard." He yawned and buried his face in my neck. " Night... Ba-" "gee!!" I whined and he snickered. " night baby! " he whispered quickly. God damn this stupid fucking demon.

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