oh my god youre home!

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I called Frank and he told me about how amazing it is in Italy. He also said his allergies are going crazy but the fucker is a masochist so he loves it.

~*~the next morning~*~

I woke up like I always do, sweating because I'm buried under blankets due to the fact a demon claims he's freezing. But today was a little different.... My demon isn't with me. I looked around, under my bed, in the closet, under all our blankets, but nothing. That's when I heard running water in my bathroom. I knocked on the door and there was a groan.

"Gee? Did you fall asleep in the shower? Again?" I asked and the door cracked open. " you have no proof. " he yawned, red hair dripping. I giggled and kissed his damp nose. "Get dried and dressed dork. I think I'm gonna take a walk. Wanna come?" He shook his head and snapped his fingers, suddenly dry. " I'm gonna sleep in bed. I feel even tireder because of being in warm water. "

"That's not a word hon. It's 'more tired'." I said, guiding him back to bed. He swatted at my hair and huffed. " shut it human. I can blast you to smithereens. " I laughed and laid him down, covering him up. I nodded and looked at my pajamas. "Hey gee could you... Y'know?" I snapped and pointed to my clothes and he nodded with a yawn.

He snapped his fingers then rolled over. "There cutie." He mumbled and I grinned. I kissed him softly then ran downstairs, happy with my outfit (One in the picture^). I grabbed some toast that Kat had made and ran out the door.

I listened to music as I walked and stopped when I saw someone I thought wasn't supposed to be here. I shook my head though and kept moving. It's not him ya idiot. I sighed sadly and paused when I could swear I heard my name being called.

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and I screamed. My ear buds fell out but I didn't care. "Ash!!! Hey baby!!!" Oh my god!!! I stopped struggling at the sound of his voice and smiled wide. "Frankie!" I laughed and he chuckled. I was set down and instantly turned around and hugged my friend. Yes, friend.

" I missed you! " I said into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me tight. "I missed you too babe." He whispered and I smiled. I really did miss this asshat..... We stood there for a bit, just hugging each other until some lady passed and groaned.

"Got a problem??" Frank snapped and she rolled her eyes. " go somewhere else to do this. " I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. "Do what? We're just hugging!" I said and she scoffed before walking off. I rolled my eyes and looked up at frank.

" Dummy"

I giggled and nudged him a little. "Bitch." He grinned and wrapped an arm around me, getting me to walk. " whatever you say sweetheart. As long as you're happy I'm home. " he said softly and I nodded. "Came home for me again?" I asked and he scoffed. " No, never!! Of course babeeee. Who wouldn't? You're rad. "

I smiled wide and kissed his cheek. "Oh how sweet of you!!!" I laughed and he chuckled. " anything for you!!!! " I grinned and linked arms with him, tugging him towards the park but he laughed, pulling me the opposite direction. "Let's go to my house!" He said and I sighed dramatically, following him.

Frank and I sat in his room and fucked around for a bit before flopping back. "You're so stupid" I laughed and he pushed me off the bed. "Says you! You can't even stay on a bed! Loserrrr!" He said and I jumped up, tackling him. He screamed and we rolled around for a bit until he pinned me down.

Oh ruh roh. Tw//.....

"Give up weakling! You'll never be as strong as me." He grinned, flexing his arm some. I rolled my eyes and bit down on his arm, causing him to yelp a little. He pulled his hand up and smacked me. I sat up with glossy eyes and he put his hand to his mouth. I began to cry softly like a child would and he shook his hands. "No no no, please- I-Im sorry!" He said quickly, pulling me to his chest.

I shook my head, tears streaming down my face and fought against him but he is much stronger than me so... "Let me go!" I screamed into his chest but he just held me. "No.... I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said quietly and I stopped fighting, sobbing into his chest. "It hurts..." I cried and he stroked my hair.

" I'm so sorry... " he whispered over and over. I don't understand... Why is he like this? He's nice to me one minute then a complete jerk the next.. It's so fucking confusing.

After a while of sobbing like a baby in his lap I sat up and sniffled. "I think I'm gonna go home now." I said quietly and he nodded a little. "That's probably best yeah... See you later?" He whispered and I nodded slowly. I got up and he walked me to the park, holding me close because I was tipping from exhaustion.

Once there we said our goodbyes and I hurried home. I just wanna be in gerards embrace right now. That's all I want.

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