Your back?! ~Daminette~

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*Remembers my forgotten story and feels sooo bad*

I'm sorry guys! I really forgot! and I know ya'll hate me for to much Chloenette, so I'll try to stop for a while. 

:) Please stay positive!

Ladybug and Chat Noir were talking after an akuma fight, when chat suddenly remembered something, "Oh, and I got Robin to help us out." Ladybugs eyes widened, and instead of being happy like Chat had thought she would be, she looked. . . well, to be honest, Chat didn't have words for it.

"Damn it! Why-" she didn't get to finish her sentence before there was a soft thud of someone else landing on the roof. Ladybug turned around slowly. They're stood Robin with a smirk gracing his features.

"Getting slower Mini?" Ladybug growled, and before Chat could blink, she had a knife to his throat, her body preventing him from moving, if he even breathed to deeply, he would die. (WHERE did she even get the knife! She's wearing a skintight suit!!) "You dare? I thought you DIED! Yet you come here and tease me as if I didn't watch you die!" Chat was confused. How did his Ladybug know THE Robin? And WHERE did she get that knife from? Robin sighed, and responded with,

"Mini, do you remember my mother?" a dark expression covered Ladybugs face. Then, suddenly, she smiled. But in a cruel kind of way. "Ah, yes. How is she? Is she still the same murderous bitch that kidnapped me?" Chat gasped (Again) Ladybug had been kidnapped?

"Oh, definitely. Did you think she would let her only heir stay dead though?" Ladybug looked at him thoughtfully. "I suppose I didn't think of that. It's nice to see you again love." she said un-winding herself and removing the knife from his throat. Chat just stood there, gasping like a fish.

"So, love, how long do 'ya think you'll be in town?" Chat finally worked up enough nerve to say "Um- LB? How do you know Robin?" Ladybug looked at him, then back at Robin.

"Chat, this is my husband." Chat gasped again, and Robin whispered "Does he have breathing problems? He is gasping so much?" Ladybug glared at him, and he nodded.

"YOU'RE MARRIED?!" Chat yelled, and Ladybug smiled. "Yes. Chat, I've been Married longer than I've known you." Chat gaped, and Ladybug full out laughed.

"Close your mouth. You're not a fish." Chat barley whispered a 'how?' He and Ladybug were the same age, they had talked about it. They were 18 now, yes. But, they had met when they were 14. Ladybug smiled at him. "It was an arranged marriage." she turned to face Robin, and said, "But, I wouldn't trade him for the world." Chat looked betrayed, not because he was in love with Ladybug, he had (mostly) gotten over that. No, it was because he was her best friend, and she hadn't told him. She turned back to him, and said,

"Although, that reminds me. I'll be going out of town, and I won't be able to do Patrols, but I'll be back for the Akuma fights." Chat glanced at her, then at Robin, and back again. "Is it because of him?" she shook her head.

"No. Remember how I told you I was an aspiring designer?" Chat nodded, "Well, I got an offer to be sponsored, but it's n America. . ." Chat knew she wouldn't give him any more details, for fear of revealing her identity. So he nodded. "Alight M'lady I guess I'll see you round."

~~Next day~~

Adrien walked into the front hall of the school, and noticed Marinette with a boy, leaning against him slightly.

"Good Morning Marinette!" he said as he walked up to them. She smiled at him, and he noticed the well hidden grief that had been in her eyes, was gone. "Good Morning." she said. He glanced at her friend, and he said

Gotham, did you miss me?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz