45 Years ~Bruceinette~

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FOR LACK OF BETTER TITLE- 45 Years. . . . yea, not my best I'll admit.

Alright, soo we all know I can't keep this up forever, and uhm, I think I'll stop at chapter 50? Please don't be mad! (Knowing me, I'll prob start a one shot book after a few weeks. . . .)

Marinette was a young girl when the order of the guardians was destroyed, everyone all of them dead because of one stupid kid. Wang was in the year ahead of him, she'd met him a few times, she'd never thought he would be capable of destroying the Order. Marinette was sorta like a princess. She had been found on the temple grounds, and the Guardians took her in, sat her down in front of the Miraculous boxes, to see if she was a holder, but when an entire box glowed, meaning she was capable of being a true holder for all the Miraculous in that box, well, that had never happened before. And so, Marinette was raised and trained in all the Miraculous of that box, she could wear them all at the same time, which was almost unheard of. Now, Marinette had always, and I mean always been wearing all of the Miraculous, so the Order came up with the idea of tattooing them into her skin. (Don't ask me how it works. Basically, they transferred the power of each Miraculous into a different tattoo.)

Anyways, when Wang made that horrid decision, she was the Guardians last hope for survival. They sent her out, they told her to go to the League of Assassins, because they would protect her. And so it was. Marinette was protected and trained by the League of Assassins. Marinette grew up with Taila Al Ghul because of her unique position. (Taila is like 2 years older) Taila became Marinette's protective older sister, even though Marinette had always been able to defeat her in battle.

Anyways, Marinette was the Aunt of the beloved heir, although she acted as more of a mother to him, and Damian saw her as a mother. Marinette, however, was confused when he first called her 'mom' because Taila was his mother. Taila was ok with it, she said Marinette could be his mom, if she still got to be his mother.

Marinette stayed to watch over the League while Taila dropped off her son at Bruce's place. Marinette stayed there for a long time, helping her older sister with the burden she was forced to take. Taila started to disappear completely, replaced by the cold hard Demon's daughter, and Marinette left. It had been 6 years since Taila had dropped of Damian, and Marinette figured it was about time to see him again.

'Changing' (transforming) into her Lady Noir persona, Marinette took to the rooftops of Gotham. Of course, it wasn't long before Gotham's Bat's (almost called them Gotham's Birds) spotted her and came to find out who she was. Of course, Damian recognized her instantly.

"Mom!" he called flipping from a rooftop above her and landing in front of her, and she pulled him into a hug. "Aww. How's my little bug? Wait. . . how's my little bat?" Damian laughed and the woman laughed. Meanwhile the batfam's like, WTF! Who the hell is that?! Damian doesn't run up to people and give them hugs, much less Talia, and this woman doesn't look like Taila, and he called her mom not mother.

"I'm good Mom. What brings you to this side of the globe?" the woman giggled. "You do darling! I've got some good news and some bad news." Damian's smile slightly fell, (Another thing, Damian was smiling.) before she could get cold feet, Marinette spat it out.

"Talia's gone." Damian nodded, but the Batfam was confused. "Is she dead or something?" Jason butted in, mega confused. The woman turned towards them.

"No. Talia's gone. She's alive, but Taila's dead." Jason shook his head. "That still doesn't make sense." the lady smiled sadly.

"Talia died one to many times." Jason's eyes widened and he understood. He himself had only died once, but he knew how it affected him, it was almost as if he had two personalities, Jason, and the Pit's Jason.

The lady turned back to Damian, and said, "Now, the good news is, I'm going to be in Gotham for a while." Damian pulled her in for a hug, and Batman stepped forward. "You could stay at the Manor if you'd like?" the lady smiled at him, and it was so heartbreakingly beautiful, he couldn't help but fall in love with the bright-eyed girl.

"I'd like that. Oh! Where are my manors?! I'm Lady Noir, or Marinette." she smiled at him again, and he felt his hear melting. "And if you don't mind me asking-" Bruce started, but never got the chance to finish because the girl interrupted him.

"How do I know Damian?" Bruce nodded, and the girl, Marinette, continued. "Taila was 12 when I joined the League to hide, she and I grew up with each other. She was like a sister to me. Anyways, I practically raised Damian, when he wasn't training with the Demon's Daughter." that confused the batfam. Dick interjected

"Uh, I couldn't help but notice you said Taila and the Demon's Daughter like they're two different people, did you mean to do that?" Marinette smiled. "Yes. Taila was the girl I grew up with, Taila was the girl who cared about Damian because he's her son, whereas the Demon's Daughter is a powerful woman, who was created to lead, she doesn't care about Damian, unless he's useful. She thinks as the next leader of the League he should be trained non-stop. They are two very different people."

Time Skip~

Marinette stayed with them at the Manor, Alfred and Damian were the only one's who knew what her tattoos were. Damian because she had explained it to him when he was barley a child, and Alfred because he had been a past holder of the Snake Miraculous and had gotten his miraculous from one of the other boxes tattooed into his skin by the Order. Bruce fell more and more in love with her over the time she was there, and eventually, he asked her out, and they dated for a while, and then, Bruce asked her to marry him, and she, of course said yes. (about 1 year after they met)

44 years later~

"Marinette?" Bruce asked his wife, who was seated in a window on the second story, holding her head in her hands. Upon hearing her name, Marinette's head snapped up and she groaned. "Yea?" Bruce walked over to her, making sure to avoid stepping on the parts of the floor that would squeak. Bruce gave her a hug, both of them very old, and not likely to last much longer. Bruce got up to leave, and Marinette gabbed his wrist.

"Bruce? I'm thankful for these last 45 years. Thank you, for letting me into your life." Bruce smiled at her. "I am to. I'm thankful you came into my life."

Uh yep. Thxs for the requests peeps! I will write them when I get the time!

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