Secret ~Chloenette~ (part 2)

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Thank you! All of you who told me that I should do a part 2, and that Chloe is awesome! I'm going to attempt to do a part 2!

Also, I'm sorry I took SO LONG to update, not to make up excuses, but, as soon as I finished writing it, my internet went out, and this is the first time I've been able to get back on this device.

With their classmates when Marinette arrived. 

Chloe suddenly got up and ran across the room, drawing the eyes of those present, (I mean, she WAS [not] a bully to their friend!!!) they turned their attention to the door, and were surprised to see Marinette, not as she usually looked, all smile-y, no. They saw bruises, and scrapes, and Marinette looked. .  . truly heartbroken. Chloe's expression went from concerned to scared, to sad.

"Marinette! Oh sweety, it happened again didn't it?" Chloe asked, her voice so soft, it scared the people in the classroom. Marinette wouldn't look into Chloe's eyes, she looked at her shoes, and slowly nodded, scaring everyone. What was happening to Marinette? How did Chloe of all people know about it? Had this happened before? Chloe pulled Marinette into a hug, and expecting Marinette to push her away and snap something sassy at her, they were surprised when Marinette just leaned into Chloe, and started sobbing. Such a heartbreaking sound.

"Oh hun. It'll be ok. You wanna stay at mine?" Chloe asked, starling the class. Why did Chloe, Marinette's bully, care so much?? Marinette looked up into Chloe's eyes, and even from across the room you could see how hurt she was, how broken, even though she hid it, even though she hid it well. 

Marinette nodded, and Chloe guided Marinette to her seat, "Sabrina, I know I said I would sit by you, but. . ." Sabrina smiled brightly, "It's ok Chloe. She clearly needs your attention more." Chloe smiled gratefully. Sabrina got up and sat in Marinette's spot, next to Alya, and Chloe sat down, turned to Marinette, who was crying into her shoulder. 

~Time skip till AFTER school~

Marinette had gone back to the Bakery, and Chloe was on her way, but not there yet. 

Marinette was sobbing, she couldn't hold it inside, even for fear of being Akumatized, she sobbed, and Hawkmoth (being the IDIOT he is) sent an Akuma. 

"Porcelain Lady, I am Hawkmoth. You have been hurt, and you want revenge on those who nearly killed you and didn't care. I can give you the power to have revenge, in return you must give me the Miraculous."

Marinette couldn't fight him- or maybe she didn't want to.

"Yes Hawkmoth." the last conscious thing she did, was throw her earrings at Tikki and Tikki, in turn, flew to Chloe. 

~Skip to the conversation before the battle~

"Marinette! You don't have to do this!" Princess Honey cried out, she didn't want to fight her love.

"I'm not Marinette! I'm the Porcelain Lady!" Princess Honey gasped, and crumpled, understanding exactly why Marinette's name was the one it was. The new (AND TEMPORARY) Ladybug asked the fated question. "Why are you the Porcelain Lady??" The Porcelain Lady's painted smiled looked twisted, and she laughed.

"Because, I've never been me. I always have to be someone else. A happy girl, a positive influence, a perfect human, a painted lady, expected to smile. A painted girl on a porclen face. I breack to easly, but I've known how to HIDE it all my life. I DON'T WANT TO BE HAPPY! I'M WANT TO BE NOT OKAY! I'm sick of the Abuse, I'm sick of it all. The only bright spot in my ENTIRE LIFE is my girlfriend. And we have to keep our relationship a secret." Everyone that could here this gasped, for a few reasons,

1-Marinette was keeping up an ACT, the girl they knew, WASN'T REAL.

2- Marinette was abused, and nobody had ever suspected.

3- Marinette had a secret Girlfriend

SO READERS, Do you want me to just leave it here, where Marinette takes over Pairs, and becomes a supreme ruler, and has her parents murdered.

OR I could write a After the fight séance, and tag it on the end?

"C'mon Marinette!! You know it's me!" Princess Honey called her her girlfriend, Chat and Ladybug gave her weird looks, but then something clicked for Chat. "Chloe? Holy hell! That means Marinette is-" (Because he knows about their relationship, and isn't AS oblivious in this AU.) Princess Honey slammed her hand over his mouth and nodded. Then she turned back to the Akuma, and caught it's attention, and de-transformed. 

"Pollen, Buzz off!" (Don't shoot me down, I don't know if that's right!) a blinding yellow flash faded, and left Chloe standing there, looking insanely worried.  Marinette FORCED the Akuma out, and collapsed, Princess Honey barely had time to catch her. 

"Hawkmoth," Marinette started, her voice re-vibrating, so everyone could hear it. "I'm deeply sorry about your wife, but that is No reason to TERRORIZE an ENTIRE city by making them block out their feelings!" 

and they all lived happily after.

(Thx for the idea! I hope you like how I wrote it!)

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