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Hi! So, I got inspired, this'll probably be short, but yeah. . . I have a hard time writing from 1st Prospective (or POV) so it'll likely be 3rd following whoever.

Mari Pov:

Marinette awoke to a throbbing headache, she doesn't understand. She staged her murder (and really died) to cleanse the world of her impurity. She wasn't supposed to wake up. Ever. Slowly, Marinette opened her eyes, blinking to dispel the darkness in her vision.

"Ahhh, Marinette. Your awake." said an un familiar voice, from across the room. Marinette sat up, and glanced directly at the figure, who appeared to be no more than a shadow. 

"Who are you?" Marinette asked, voice filled with a venom that sent shivers down their spines. "We are the Guardians of the Miraculous." Marinette flinched. She knew that the Order was a cruel place, for she had run away from her parents, and the Guardians. 

They had made her a monster. A monster. Marinette glared at he shadow. "What do you want from me?" She asked, in a colder tone if possible. "Why, we want to make you a goddess." Marinette flinched. If the Guardians succeeded. . . . the world might end. 

Marinette was knocked out. When she next awoke, she was in a dark room, inside a circle of gold on the floor. They were chanting the ritual, but she couldn't hear it. They were lilting candles, but she couldn't see it. No. She heard screaming, pain filled screaming. Her own? she thinks, but she wasn't making a sound. She felt her body being modified, she felt her DNA being altered. Her blood lust being erased.

Marinette passed out, again.

But when she woke up, the pain was gone, and she no longer wanted to kill anybody. and she was lying on a mountain that had crumbled. hen she went to stand up, Marinette realized she had wings, and tails, and antenna. . . she was some sort of Hybrid kwami thing. And. . . the order.. . . . was burred in the mountain.

First, Marinette wen to Paris, to erase their memory of her. Why should they remember the messed up girl? It wasn't really their problem. They were confused, when they didn't need to be. When Marinette arrived, what she saw shocked her.

Paris was glowing, looking like the tourist attraction it is, but. . . . there were no smiles. None. Nobody was smiling. Everyone looked down, and sad. Marinette chanted a spell to make all forget her. All except one? A girl, refused to forget her. Marinette literally couldn't erase her memory of Marinette.

"Marinette?" a soft voice asked from behind her, Marinette turned to see Chloe. Marinette jumped up, and hugged the girl. "Oh, Chlo. . . I'm sorry. so very. .  .sorry." Chloe released the girl , then said,

"Marinette, h-how?" Marinette smiled softly at Chloe, than unfolded her wings, and released her antenna, and swished her tails. "The Guardians brought me back to life, to try to make me a goddess. . ." Chloe's breath caught in her thought. "and. . . it didn't really work. It gave me all the Kwami's powers, but. . . destroyed the Order in the process." Chloe hugged the girl again, than whispered, "Ok, M-bug. Do what you need to. But you'd better visit me." Marinette chuckled, and nodded.

That's all I have time for right now, but It'll have at least one more chapter.

With love,


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