Ancient Egypt Part 2

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I'm so happy ya'll loved the last chapter, and if you don't mind telling me, Why? what was SO awesome about it?

More background info, all the older priestess at the temple would act like a mother toward the children, so a child would have many "mothers" and would call them such, as she saw fit. All the people at them temple acted like a family, a family without fighting, because they were all in the service of their goddess.

The Justice League was shocked, albeit for different reasons. Aquaman because in front of him was THE chosen of Tikki, a goddess capable of destroying, and creating worlds, meaning her chosen could do A LOT of damage, or A LOT of help. Wonder Woman because Marinette, or Ladybug was a legend among the Amazonians, even though she came by from time to time. The rest because this woman comes in, and two of the more stubborn people in the league were in a reverie of her.

"So. . . who are you?" Flash asked, and Ladybug turned to him, "Ah, I'd better explain this time. Eh Tikk's?" Then she snapped her fingers, and a chair appeared behind her and she collapsed on it.

"I'm Ladybug the hero from Paris?" when Superman shook his head, Ladybug sighed and smiled. "I'm Ladybug, the chosen of the goddess Tikki. I've personally overseen so many things, after the fall of Atlantis" Marinette tilted her head at Aquaman 

"Ya. . .sorry about that." then she shook her head and turned back to everyone else. "I oversaw the salvation of those people, by turning them into Mer-people! Not my brightest idea mind you, and I've been around since a couple thousand years before Egypt fell?" The shocked expression on everyone's face was priceless, and Ladybug couldn't help laughing.

~Time Skip~

Marinette's in class

"Marinette? Could you come up here?" Mrs. Bustier called, and Marinette went up to the front. An old lady with a kind smile walked into the classroom, and Marinette dropped to one knee. "My lady!" the old lady laughed and said,

"Rise my child, for it is I who should be bowing." Marinette rose but shook her head violently "No! You are the elder!" the old lady smiled, as she dropped to her knee, and said

"Ahh, please my queen, let an old lady take solace in bowing before her queen one last time." Marinette sighed, and motioned for the old lady to rise, the old lady did, and then asked, what seemed to the class like a silly question. "Now, my child, you haven't killed anyone important since I've last seen you?" Marinette let out a harsh laugh, scaring everyone for they were unaccustomed to that laugh.

"Nobody too important!" the old lady smiled fondly and said, "Thank you my queen, it was a pleasure to talk with you this last time." and started to crumble, within a few minutes she was just a pile of clay, and nobody knew what to do. Marinette, however, didn't look devastated, she smiled widely and twirled her fingers, and the clay that had once been the old lady disappeared.


Marinette is on the roof of her house.

Alya went to go look for Marinette and was shocked when she was walking on the street to see her on the roof. What scared her even more is when Marinette started to do insanely difficult flips, always landing ever so silently, and never losing balance. As she watched, Marinette did a handstand with one hand, and it looked like she was. . . . meditating? Marinette didn't even sway with the wind.

Alya climbed on the balcony of Marinette's room for a better look, and was shocked when a old man came up behind her, and went to knock her over, Alya flinched, expecting Marinette to tumble of the roof, but instead Marinette flipped and had him in a choke hold with her thighs before he could even touch her. Un winding, Marinette did a back flip, landing in front of the dude with a smile. "Sup! It'z been a while! What brings you to this century?" the dude laughed and said "time!" both people laughed.

I ran out ideas! Lol, I hope you guys liked this SHORT addition to the last chapter! 

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