Ancient Egypt

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So, I was just trying to sleep, when BAM an idea hit me! This is kinda like Diana (Wonder Woman) that's where I got a few of the ideas. 


(I STRONGLY suggest you read it)

Marinette was not human. To start with, she had been made of clay, and placed in the goddess Tikki's sacred waters, and the goddess breathed her life, with the promise that the girl would become a priestess in her temple. 

As Marinette grew, she found favor in the eyes of her goddess, Tikki. Marinette became Tikki's chosen one. Tikki's chosen was always a warrior with creativity in her heart, and a kind soul.  Marinette became Princess Marinette, the priestess chosen by the goddess Tikki to serve them. When Egypt's royal line ran out, (many century's after Marinette had been created) Marinette was the one to step in, and take the throne. As was her right, being the chosen of the goddess of creation. 

Marinette had been trained, as all priestess of Tikki were. She was proficient in all the languages of the time, could hold her own against thousands of warriors, using just two fans. To the outside world, Tikki, and her priestess (Tikki did NOT do men inside her temple. It was forbidden for any man to enter her temple. Or the sacred grounds around it.) were soft-spoken, and kind. But they were also hardened warriors that could take down just about anything. 

As the millennia dragged on, all the priestess of Tikki "moved on" and led semi-normal lives, still in the service of their goddess. To avoid suspicion, they would periodically 'die'  and create a new identity, until they had lived to their fullest, and the goddess granted them rest. 

However, Marinette being the last created before the fall of Egypt (you can only make a new one every eon or two.) was likely to live for a very, very, very long time, AND she was the chosen of her goddess, adding several MORE millennia to that.

Every time a great injustice or threat showed up, a band of female warriors, named the 'Amazonians' by the Greeks, would destroy it. 

During the rain of Greece, some of priestess created a sort of. . . vacation, or retirement place for the other priestess of Tikki. They created a society, to keep Tikki's sacred ordinances alive, and so that, the generation that had survived the fall of Egypt would not be the last. 

Marinette had briefly met with Diana Prince, explaining to her that she was to PRETEND that the Amazonians worshiped the Greek gods and goddesses. 

PRESENT: ~Marinette is a Justice League meeting, to inform them NOT to come to Paris because of the threat~

Ladybug walked in, her steps a graceful loping, when she Diana spotted her. Diana was on her knees in a mater of milli-seconds. Thoroughly confusing everyone (but Ladybug) present. Ladybug smiled, and signaled for Diana to rise, Diana did so, and gave Ladybug a hug.

"Oh! My lady! I had thought- it had been forever!" Diana said smiling. Ladybug laughed. "It has little one. It has." then Ladybug turned to the rest of the shocked people.

"I have come her today, not to ask of you for help, but to warn you." Aquaman snickered. "You warn us? of what?" Ladybug's eyes turned to steel.

 "I am a princess! The chosen one of Tikki! You DARE disrespect me?!" Aquaman's eye's widened. He had heard of Tikki. How could someone as he NOT have heard of Tikki? He bowed. 

"I am truly sorry your highness. I did not know, I had thought all of the priestess of Tikki had been wiped out with Egypt." Ladybug chuckled. "I am from the times of ancient Egypt, this is correct, but we were not 'wiped out' as you say, We just went into hiding. Many of us are still around." the rest of the Justice League was thoroughly shocked (Again) two of their most stubborn members had bowed to this new hero, who apparently had been around since ancient Egypt. 

~I'm going to stop here, because I feel like this is getting to long~

But I'm open to doing a part 2. What do you guys think? Part 2? or no.

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