TaliaxMarinette <3

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Guys- I don't know what you want! I'm running out of ideas!!! (mainly because I'm ACTUALLY sleeping instead of lying awake thinking up new ideas) Please Please, PLEASE REQUEST SOMETHING!!!!!

Marinette Dupain-Cheng was forced into an arranged marriage with her best friend Taila Al Goul, because she was the holder of the ladybug miraculous AND a Guardian making her EXSTREMELY powerful. Not that either of them objected to it. So when Damian was growing up, he grew up with 2 mothers, Marinette and Talia. Marinette trained Damian in the miraculous as well as in hand-to-hand combat. When the league was attacked, Talia dropped Damain off with his father Bruce, then Talia went back, and begin leading the league, and Marinette helping her from the sidelines. 

Many years latter, Talia died, and Marinette, had to go tell Damian. 

With the cat Miraculous, a costume Damian had seen many times, and would be able to recognize instantly, Marinette flipped across the rooftops of Gotham, waiting for the bats to show. When they did, Marinette, or Lady Noir leaned on her baton with a smirk as they formed a circle around her. When Robin spotted her, her broke from the shadows, 

"Mom!" he said, giving her a hug, shocking the batfam. Because A. this was VERY unlike Talia, and Damian had called her 'mom' he DEFINEATLY didn't call Talia that, and B. HE GAVE HER A HUG!

Marinette smiled sadly and ruffled his hair "Oh! Kiddo! I've got some bad news!"  Mariette said, giving him a tight hug, then releasing him, she said "Damian, your mother's dead." Damai gasped "Oh mom! Are you ok?!"  

Marinette pulled Damian in for another hug. "No. Damn, it's so hard. I lost her. If I had just been there, she would have survived! It's all my fault!" Damian yanked back, shoving her off him. "Mom! It is NOT you're fault! If you had been there You BOTH would be dead! And where would that leave me?!" Marinette giggled, and said,

"With your awesome dad? And all ya' brothers??" at this, Batman saw his chance, and cleared his throat, bot Robin, and Lady Noir turned to him. Lady Noir stood up, having had collapsed when telling Robin his mother was dead, and smiled at him. "and you must be Bruce! Where are my manners? I'm Lady Noir!"

~much much latter~ 

A fair-skinned girl with dark black hair, shimmering on blue and electric bluebell eyes came walking into Wayne Enterprises, and before anybody could stop her, she was in Bruce's office, or rather, she was sitting on Bruce's desk, waiting for him to walk out of the elevator.  When he did, he stopped a few paces from his desk, seeing her, Marinette smiled, but didn't get off his desk. "Hey Mr. Wayne! I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Bruce frowned. He didn't know her, so. . . why was she here? Marinette laughed at his expression. 

"Right, I'm here to give you a good telling off. What were you thinking letting your kids be vigilantes? And as If that wasn't bas enough, YOU'RE LETTING THEM DO IT WITOUT PANTS!  and Robin! He looks like a traffic light! How on earth is he supposed to blend into the shadows when he looks like a fucking traffic light?!" Bruce spat out his coffee, and Marinette laughed again. "I could go on and on, but I've already wasted enough of your time, so I'll get right to the point. I'm re-designing all of the batfam's costume. And when I say all of them, I mean ALL of them." 

By then Bruce was choking on his own spit, and Marinette hopped off his desk, and walked into the elevator. And before anyone knew it, she was gone.

Again- PLEASE MAKE A REQUEST! (I've been trying to publish daily, and I feel SO bad when I miss a day, and oh my god, I need a chill pill, and I need to stay mentally sane, but I'm not, and I can't. And oh my god. This is just one of the ways I cope, writing these stories, and without ideas I can't write them, and if I can't write them, I can't cope, and when I caan't cope. . . . . . . . ) SORRY for ranting at you! I'm trying to stay on top of my emotions, but I'm. . having a hard time today. I'ma just shut up, and end the chapeter here.

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