She's a fake?

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So uh- hi guys! I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I suppose that maybe I should tell you guys that. . . .  or maybe I wont. 

I'm kinda running out of ideas. . . Lila ISN'T a part of this one shot. The MPS killed her (the ones on THIS side of the forth wall) Looooooong before she had the chance to even set foot in France. 

Chloe was in the library, (don't ask me why. Plot convenience) when she heard soft sobbing sounds. She headed towards the distinctive sound of sadness, the immense feeling of loneliness, all of that, connived in a soft sobbing.

Chloe didn't know why she felt drawn to the sound. She shouldn't care! It wasn't as if it was her friend! but it was as if a part of her soul was stretching out, trying to reach the person crying, and so, she followed the crying. Despite her outer shell, she was  concerned for the sobbing person,  she WANTED to help, but she didn't think it was ok, why would it be? she was just a stuck up snob that was mean to everyone to hide her own pain, and not very well, I might add. 

She rounded a shelf to see a sight she never thought she'd see. Marinette Dupain-Cheng crying. The cherished sunlight, the happiest person alive, sobbing. The sound creating an inner feeling, the overwhelming loneliness a feeling that no matter what was done, no one would ever  want to interact with you, the feeling that you were drowning even if you weren't, the feeling that nothing would ever be alright, ever again. 

This confused Chloe. How did a literal ray of sun know so much pain?! She was startled by a sudden ringing, Chloe quickly came to the conclusion that it was Marinettes phone, Chloe waited, to see, what would happen. 

Marinette sat up and wiped away her tears, within an instant the happy-go-lucky- girl was back, and as it was now clear to Chloe, the fake girl.

"Hey Alya!" Marinette's crystal voice rang, as if she hadn't just been crying.

Idk how to end it. . . so bye!!!

Thx for reading this, I KNOW I updated WAY to much yesterday. Ya'll must be SICK of my writing by now.

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