It started with a coffee ~Timari~

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Oh my god. I fucking love you people. I'm sorry, I was just having a bad day, and I was having more trouble than usual coping, and I. . . . well, ANYWAYS! I love you guys! You all took the time to send me such kind messages and requests! I just love it that you guys care.

I've given up on sleep. I got a whole 8 hours 2 nights ago, and I went through one hell of an emotion ride yesterday. Apparently, someone with my levels of. . . .stress can't actually function. So it was either re-arange my ENTIRE life so I'm not so stressed OR get less than enough sleep, I think ya'll know which one I chose.

Marinette was sitting in her favorite café in Gotham, when a man dressed in a horrid clashing outfit stumbled in. He made his way to the counter, and by the time he got there, the lady had already preped his coffee,  So he was a regular? and the dude grabbed it, payed, and thanked the person, before coming to Marinette's table. 

"Uh. . can I sit here? There aren't any other open seats." Marinette smiled at him. "Of course! I'm Marinette!" the dude groaned as he sat down, "I'm Tim." Marinette re-opened her sketch book and continued designing a Catwoman themed outfit. Tim pulled out his laptop and started working on a project. (don't ask me what it was!) Marinette- being the person she is, started a conversation with Tim, and they became friends, after that, it was like clockwork, they'd both be there, same time, everyday, just enjoying eachothers company, sometimes talking, sometimes not. 

Ok- how they started dating--

Coffee Addict:



What's up Tim?

Coffee Addict: 

Uh. . . . would you. . . maybe, 


Blueberry is typing. . . . 

I mean! You don't have to! Just if you want to!


Of course I'll go on a date with you! When?

Coffee Addict:


I hadn't thought that far ahead. .  .how 'bout tonight?


That works!

~Skip to a few weeks latter, their girlfriend and boyfriend~

Marinette and Tim were in Central Park, hold hands, and enjoying some coffee, when Damian spots them, and assuming Marinette is some gold-digging harlot, he storms over.

"Drake! What are you doing here?" Damian asks in a. . . . disgusted tone, and the girl sits up, and smiles at him. "Oh! I bet he's Damian. Am I right?" she asks, turning to Tim, Tim laughs and says "Marinette, I'll never get used to the fact that you don't recognize me!" Marinette looks at him confused

"Should I?" she asks for the billionth time, and Tim laughs, and remembers Damian "Demon Spawn! I'm on a date with my beloved blueberry!" Now, Damian after watching that was relatively sure the girl wasn't a gold digger, and actually likes Tim. Then Tim, suddenly misunderstanding the expression on Damians face says,

"Blueberry, are you ok if Damian joins us?" Marinette laughs, the genuine joy on her face confuses Damian, but not so much Tim, because Marinette takes genuine joy in a lot of things. "Do you even have to ask? Of course he can! Oh! Let's go get ice-cream!" and as Tim opens his mouth to say 'I'll pay' or something like that, Marinette puts a finger o his lips.

"My treat, after all, I'm the one that thought of it!" Tim pouts, and says "But you NEVER let me pay!" Marinette laughs again, and says, "That's such an obscure thing to be upset about."

~How Tim found out Alfred knows~

"Hey Alfred?" Tim asked walking into the kitchen, only to be givien to cups of coffee, and turned around, Tim turns back around, "Why'd you give me 2?" Alfred smiled, and said "One for you, and the other for Miss Marinette. You are going to see her yea?" Tim nods, and then realizes something.

"I never told you about Marinette!" Alfred smiles, and says, "I'm all-knowing." Tim nods, because that makes sense. I mean, how else would Alfred know everything? Simple, Alfred is all-knowing.


Ok, this is much later, Marinette had gotten married to Tim, and the only people who knew was Damian, Alfred, Conner and Chloe (they were at the wedding) Marinette just randomly showed up at Wayne Manor and Alfred let her in. Marinette's in the kitchen making coffee with Tim's coffee maker, and the rest of the batfam is staring at her.

"Who is she?" Dick asks, and Bruce just shrugs. The batfam was thoroughly confused, who was this girl, how did she get in?! And why didn't Alfred make her wait in the lobby?? Just then Damian walks in and sees Marinette.

"Marinette!" he said, walking over to her, and gave her a hug. Confusing everyone more. Who was this girl? Why did Damian call her by her first name? And Damian, who hated hugs with a passion, had giving her a hug. Tim walks into the kitchen from the 'Pantry' and spots Marinette "Blueberry!" Tim cries slightly swaying, as he walks to her, pulling her into a hug, then kissing her.

"WHAT THE FU-" Alfred calmly says "Language Master Jason" Jason turns to Alfred, "DID YOU KNOW?!!!" Alfred nods, and a laugh draws his attention back to the girl. She's full on laughing, clutching her stomach in pain.

"Oh my *wheeze* god!!!! That was fucking hilarious!" Straitening the girl (still laughing) introduces herself. "I'm Marinette." Jason tilts his head, narrowing his eyes and asks,

"What's your last name?" Marinette smirks. "Drake-Wayne" everybody froze, and Marinette laughed again. Dick turns to Tim,

"YOU GOT MARRIED AND I WASN'T INVITED?!" Tim smiles and says, "Only Damian, Alfred, Conner, and Chloe Bourgeois were." Jason scoffs.

"The mayors brat? Why'd you invite her and not us?" Marinette scowled. "She is not the 'mayor's brat'! She's better than you! You say one wrong thing about her, and I'll skin you alive!" Jason scoffed

"I'd like to see you try." within .002 seconds Marinette had Jason on the floor and a throwing knife at his throat. "Where'd you learn that?" Dick asked, and Marinette, stepping away from Jason and helping him up, said

"Akuma attacks" then she realized what she said and slapped her hand over her mouth.


Once again, thank you all for requesting!! 

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