Chapter 164: Darian Alshmeer

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"Fair enough," Kashi conceded with a light chuckle. He opened his left palm, and a large portal appeared on the ground. Drixlia and the assassins' mounts rose from the portal, whinnying in disappointment as they realized they had returned to their dimension.

Drixlia trotted over to Kashi and blew the daeben's hair.

Kashi laughed as he patted the stallion's muzzle. "You liked it there, didn't you?"

Drixlia's head comically bobbed up and down as it neighed to express his assent. But immediately after, it paused, a troubled look in its eyes as it dug the earth with its front, left hoof.

Drixlia loved the air in Kashi's dimension. The pure mana and life energy were both beneficial for its growth. Its instincts told it that its chances of evolving would exponentially increase if it stayed there for a long time.

Unfortunately, Drixlia had always been a wild horse. Its hot blood would not allow it to sit in Kashi's peaceful world and grow fat. It loved to roam. It loved finding new places and running through danger. None of this was available in Kashi's one-dimensional world that only had grass and water as far as the eyes could see.

Kashi could sense Drixlia's discomfort, but unfortunately, he had not spent enough time with the stallion to build the skills necessary to understand its intentions.

"Your horse," Darian said. "It says strange things."

Kashi looked at Darian in shock. "You can understand him? I thought that was a myth?"

Darian shook his head. "It is not entirely a myth. Some among our people are born with the innate gift to speak to and understand horses. Those not born with the gift are taught the skills necessary to glean the beasts' intentions from their behavior."

"Is there a need?" Kashi was confused. "It's not like you guys need to ride horses."

"Maybe not," Darian agreed. "However, our ancestors were horse herders. They sold horses to different empires in return for food, clothing, and shelter. Tradition states we must pass on the skills whether we need it or not."

Kashi clasped his palms together. "Thank Aethir for traditions," he joked as he hopped onto Drixlia's back. "So, what was little Drix saying?" Kashi asked as he held Drixlia's reins.

"He enjoys the 'world' he was in but feels like it cages him," Darian murmured. He was not confident in what he was saying. What did the horse mean by a 'world'? Was it crazy? He looked at the daeben. It seemed Kashi had summoned it from somewhere. Could it have been another world altogether?

A terrifying thought suddenly surfaced in Darian's mind. Was this guy also a Summoner? If that was the case... A shiver ran down the centaur's mind.

Kashi ignored Darian's discomfort. He was pondering on the centaur's revelation. Indeed, he could not keep Drixlia locked up in his realm. Who knew how long it would take for it to evolve? That was a strategy he could only use with a beast that did not want to work at all. It seemed he would have to depend on the centaurs.

Kashi leaned over and patted Drixilia's crest. "Don't worry, partner. We'll definitely find a way." Drixlia neighed and shook its head vigorously, its spirit fully reinvigorated. Kashi chuckled as he turned to Darian. "What next? Do we go straight to your village?"

Darian looked into the forest with a troubled expression. "If it's not too much trouble, I would like to bury my brothers. They gave their lives as true warriors of the tribe. I do not wish for their bodies to be desecrated by common wildlife."

"That is an admirable purpose," Kashi agreed with a nod. "We will accompany you in your search. How many are there?"

"Six warriors rode with me," Darian squeezed out through gritted teeth. "Four stallions and two mares."

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