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Eloise POV

Eloise waited just outside the Great Hall of Asgard, invisible to all, she patiently watched as people passed her by. Once she was their princess, married to the second-born prince. Now both of the princes were gone, Thor off on his honeymoon with his new bride, Jane and Loki, her... husband, well he would likely never come back. He and Odin usually weren't on great terms but after finding out Odin had cold bloodedly murdered her human mother and her ten older sisters and had intended to kill her... didn't exactly scream family reunion anytime soon... if ever. She shifted leaning against the cold stone wall turning her thought away from Loki, her soulmate, how he hated her now, after she abandoned him and their newborn daughter to help the Mad Titan so she could seek revenge against his father, at least that's what he thought. Instead she turned her thought to Thor and Jane, she liked both of them, Jane she had only met once and they hadn't know who each other was at the time but she liked her regardless, she smiled to herself, Thor was the big older brother she'd never had, she thought warmly of his bone crushing hugs and his warm smile, her smile fell, how disappointed he would be that she was here to murder his father.

Although could you truly call it murder with a blood debt? She argued with herself. He knew one day she would come to claim what was owed to her, it was her right. Too bad she didn't want to claim it. But she was a daughter of Thanos now, she thought bitterly to herself, and that's what he thought she wanted and it was a means to his ends, frankly it was a means to hers as well but she didn't like it. Her hatred of Odin had cooled in the passed four years, but Thanos believed it hadn't and he had been pleased with her training enough to send her out on her first solo mission as a reward.

Fewer people were mulling around, soon Odin would leave the hall and she would get her chance. She leaned forward now balancing on her heels, holding her knife. At least she would make it a quick death, of course Thanos would have preferred something more drawn out but she wouldn't do that to Thor and Loki. She heard Odin's booming voice moving closer to the door, she readied herself, wasn't like she hadn't killed before. Yeah but this was the first time they weren't actively trying to kill her first, a small voice whispered to her.

Odin strode out into the hall accompanied by a familiar tall, graceful, dark haired man in green and black leather, Eloise slapped her hand across her mouth to keep herself from screaming. Shit, shit, SHIT, I fucked up, I fucked up, she froze in place, not daring to breath as Loki passed not two feet from her deep in conversation with Odin. He was the only one who was truly familiar with her magic and knew what her capabilites were. As he passed, he turned his head slightly in her direction, as if puzzled, then he shook his head and continued on towards the royal families living quarters. She let out her breath, well that fucked up her plans, she needed them to know it was her, it was critical to Thanos plan. With her using the blood oath, it not only prevented them from taking revenge on Thanos and it still got rid of Odin and placed Thor on the throne. But Loki being here it complicated things, he would be obliged to try to stop her if he knew or saw her and last thing she needed was having to break herself out of an asgardian prison.

She followed the familiar path to the royal families rooms, for almost a year Loki's rooms had been her rooms after their wedding. Now she was here to kill her father-in-law, irony at its finest. She reached Odin's rooms and she leaned against the wall imagining herself coming thru on the otherside, still shielding herself and her magic. When she opened her eyes, she saw Odin and Loki speaking quietly looking at a scroll, "Fae blood is very strong in magic, some say it is actually beginnings of magic in this world," Odin was explaining to Loki, "Your wife is the last remaining Fae, and last of the ruling family, as Queen she had every right to declare a blood debt after... what I did." Odin paused, glancing at the corner where Eloise stood waiting, "One day, she will come for me, you and Thor must allow it and take no action against her. I deeply regret my actions, killing her sisters and her mother." Odin paced around, his hands behind his back, looking directly at her, fuck me he knows I'm here for him. "Leave me now son, I am weary." "Yes all-father." Loki bowed, heading for the door when he paused when he was at his closest to her and looked around. Shit, how does he keep sensing me, oh shit my perfume, it was quite distinctive and her magic wouldn't block it. He seemed to find nothing amiss after a few moments and then left close the door behind him.

Eccedentesiast: Sequel To Redmancy Where stories live. Discover now