Game over Ch 27

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"Alright let me see" Nash said and Eddie showed him.

"Impressive work" Nash commented.

"Nash not now!" Arfeah said as he hit her husband.

"Yeah sorry... ok you need to find the circuit board" Nash said and Eddie ask Christ to turn around.

"Found it" Eddie replied.

"Ok let me take a look on the circuit board" Nash said and eddie did that.

"If I was there with my equipment then it would be a breeze" Arfeah said.

"Alright since you don't have the tool you need to fry the circuitry of this if we want to disarm it" Nash said.

"What how am I going to do that" Eddie ask.

"The use the watch taser mechanism but adjust the setting to extreme voltage... If I'm correct it should be enough to fry the circuit of the bomb" Nash said.

"All you have to do is command techno to take you to the taser setting.. once you reach it adjust it to high voltage and removed the watch when you fire it because it will burn your skin if your in contact with it" Nash said

Eddie was about to change the setting when Nash added

"Wait eddie, Once you switch it to a high voltage. We won't be able to help you because it will also short circuit your watch" Nash said.

"Ok thank you so much" Eddie said and hangs up.

"Techno bring up the taser setting" Eddie commanded.

"Warning messing with the taser mechanism can lead to possible electric shock or death.. Do you want to proceed?" Techno ask.

"Yes proceed I know the risk" Eddie said.

TK arrived.

"Hey eddie how can I help?" Tk ask.

"Can you distract Christopher so he don't move. I need to hit a specific area" Eddie said and tk nodded.

"Hey Christopher, your dad will disarm the bomb but I need you to stay still and don't panic ok" Tk requested and Christopher nodded.

He grabs Christ's hand. "Alright breath in... breath out" Tk keep saying that as eddie change the setting.

When he change the setting to high the screen started glitching and started making a crackling noise.

"Ready 3..2..1" Eddie fire and the circuitry is fried along with his watch.

Tk was about to remove the bomb but eddie stop him.

"Don't! Nash said that we wait for a professional before we remove the bomb. Eddie said and Tk agreed.

Eddie holds the remain of the watch. He notice that there is something that did not get damage at all.

He grabs it and its a little container with a needle in the end of it. He suddenly remember what nash said.

"1 tiny syringe that will weaken the target in lest than 60 second it will last for 5 minutes."

"Tk watch over my son" Eddie said and tk agreed.

He grabs the small syringe and head straight to buck and Carlos who are bleeding from all the wounds.

Eddie surprise him and inject the syringe on simon's neck.

Simon punch eddie. He drop to the ground with his nose bleeding he check the syringe and it's empty.

Simon started running but his vision started going blurry so he walks until he drop on the ground.

Athena and the 118 arrived at the crime seen. The police officer arrested chloe and simon.

"Boys come over here" Athena said smilling and the four walks towards her.

Once the four reach athena's distance. She hit all four of them in the head.

"Ouch what was that for?" Buck ask.

"You four are in so much trouble.. your going to be cleaning the fie house for the week" Bobby added.

"What? but--" Tk said and athena gave him a look that force him to stop talking.

"No baby my punishment first" Athena said.

"Evan Buckley, Tk Strand, Eddie Diaz, Carlos Reyes. You four a spending in police cell for 24 hours" Athena said and there jaws drop.

"What?" Carlos said.


The four are on. Police cell Tk and Buck playing chess, Eddie sitting the floor and Carlos standing.

"Hi dad" Christopher said as he waves at his father.

"Hey Christopher" Eddie said as he stands up and hug his son to the best he can due to the iron bars.

"Why are you in the police cell?" Christopher ask.

"Because your father, his boyfriend and his friends are being punish for being idiots for going there alone without back up" athena explained.

"Don't worry it only 24 hours" Athena added.

"Ok can I at least join them" Christopher ask.

"No! You did noting wrong" Athena said.

"So if I did something wrong I will be in jail with dad, buck sir tk and sir calos" Christopher ask.

"I suppose so" Athena said.

Christopher grabs athena's burger on the counter.

"If I take a bit of your burger will I go to jail with my family?" Chrst ask.

"He he your to precious in this world Christoper go ahead and join daddy and his friend on the cell" Athena said as she opens the cell.

"Yey thank you" Christopher hug athena and goes inside.

Buck, Edddie, Tk and Carlos hug Christopher.

"Don't steal burger or anything Christopher promise" Carlos said.

"Promise" Chist replied.

They played chess, dance on the music from buck's phone etc they had a wonderful time togerther in the police cell.

"My god my sons are idiots but I love them all" Athena said as she watch them from her office.

I did not double check the chapters so if there are errors I will fix them when I have the time. Also the technology stuff is not fully accurate I was just blabbering stuff hehe sorry to disappoint I was just a bit busy to research it all.

Hey hope you like the chapter. I know I said it will only took 3 chapter in total but I guess it's four so yeah. Sorry If I was not able to post yesterday I had a really bad headache.. and earlier I was about to write it this morning but mom ask me to help my grandma and cousins in packing face mask and face shield cause that's what we do now.

And regarding the police cell problem yeah. I don't really know much about how the police jail and cell work as I never been to jail or even in a police station which is kinda weird. Hope you understand..

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