Missing B. Ch 53

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Thank you again @InquisitorBeals for sharing your Idea. My apologies if I haven't posted for almost a week it's been hard this couple of days to publish due to family and school stuff

Buck and Eddie just went to TK and Carlos's wedding yesterday. He took a day off because nobody can look out for Christopher and Eddie doesn't like when Chris is all alone in the house

Somewhere in a Basement.

"Please let me go. You don't have to do this" A woman said tied to the metal bar.

"I do, I need to. To fix my son even if it means I have to break him" Ramon said.

"But he is your son. You should love him the way he is" She replied.

"The way he is is wrong and sick. I found that last week that they are getting married. My son is not a homosexual it's just a phase he will find a woman and have grandkids for us that ain't broken" He replied.

"You're a sick man Ramon and you know that" She yelled

"You tried to break your son's mind, YOUR SON'S mind just so he won't be in love with him. You crazy and stupid that not how it works--" she said.

"SHUT THE F*CK UP. You may be a therapist but, you don't know anything about my son" He yelled back.

"I'm Dr. Marry Copeland and I know a lot about your son," She said.

"I'm Evan Buckley's therapist and he talks about Eddie---" She added

"IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP I'm killing your daughter in from of you along with your husband," He said pointing a gun at her forehead.

At Eddie's apartment

"Come on dad just one more round," Christopher said.

"No It's way past your bedtime, Eddie will kill me if he arrived and your still awake," Buck said.

"Fine, goodnight dad," He said and head straight to his room.

Buck heard footsteps outside and thought it's Eddie but he still has 2 hours left before his shift is over.

When he check to windows he saw a woman standing at the window in Eddie's room.

"Hey who are you?!" He yelled and the woman started running away.

Buck wanted to follow her but he doesn't want to leave Christopher alone.


Ramon is asleep and the key drop on the floor, Marry found the key and she tried to grab it using her feet.

After several attempts, she succeed and was able to break herself free.

She slowly walks upstairs and exits the house.

"She grabbed Ramon's phone and called 911"

"911 what's your emergency?" Josh said.

"Help a man kidnapped me," She said.

"Hang on ma'am. Let me track your cell right now... A police car is near your area driving by right now. I'll inform them" He said.

"Thank you" She replied.

At the exact moment, Athena and Oliver are driving by

Athena stop her car.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" Athena ask.

"Dr. Copeland, what happened to you?" Oliver asks.

"You know her?" Athena ask.

"Yes, she is Buck's, therapist. What happened dr?" Oliver asks.

"It's Ramon Diaz he kidnapped me and force my daughter to break his son's mind," She said.

"That son of a b*tch," She said.

"Oliver calls an ambulance and follows me," She said.

Athena and Oliver search the area and they were late, Ramon had escaped already.

"Ma'am you should come with us to the station," She said and she agreed.


Buck decided to just wait for Eddie to get home. He grabs a book and sits on the couch.

After half an hour he's phone rang.

"Hello, Oliver?" Buck said.

"Buck, Is Eddie with you?" Oliver asks.

"No, why did something happen?" he asks worriedly.

"No, yes" Oliver replied unsure which makes Buck anxious.

"What happened?" Buck asks panicking.

"Ramon has escaped and I need you to be careful," Oliver said.

A dark figure walks slowly behind Buck. He grabs a taser and fires it at him, knocking the firefighter

"Buck, Buck, Are you there?" Oliver asks.

Ramon hang up the phone and started dragging Buck to the back door.


"he hung up on me," Oliver said.

He called buck's Cell but no answer he tried it multiple times and he is not answering his cell anymore. He decided to contact Eddie instead.

"Eddie," Oliver said.

"Hey Oliver, how did you get my number?" Eddie ask.

"No time is Buck with you?" Oliver asks.

"No, he is with Christopher, why?" Eddie ask.

"What's going on what happened to them?" Eddie ask.

"Your father was involved in the kidnapping of dr Copeland and he vanished when she escaped, I have a feeling he is going back," Oliver said.

"Alright I'm on my way," He said.

"Cap I'm going home," He said.

"What happened?" Bobby asks while the others are looking at them.

"My father is back, And Buck isn't answering his cell," he said as he run downstairs and head to his car.


Eddie arrived at the house. After opening the door he saw Buck's phone and a book on the ground.

"Buck!! Christopher!!" He yelled as he go to every room.

"Dad?" Christopher said rubbing his eyes probably woken by his dad's yelling.

"Christopher thank goodness your safe, where is Buck," He said as he hugs his son.

"He said that he would wait for you dad" He replied.

"Why did something happen to dad?" Christopher ask.

"I don't know buddy" He replied.

"Eddie, Buck, Christopher are you guys in here?" Oliver yelled.

"Yes, we are here but... Buck is missing" He replied as they head downstairs.

"I'll find him Eddie I promise. For the time being you and Christopher should go to the station to be supervised" Oliver said.

"Fine" Eddie said as he follow Oliver.

Eddie knows that neither Athena nor Oliver will let him help them but he is tired of his father's problem. Time to finish this, once and for all.

Oliver drop Christopher and Eddie at the police station.

Hey, guys sorry if the story is kinda bad. Hope you still enjoy the story because we are near the end.

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