Could be Permanent. Ch 18

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Athena is heading to the police station with the grenade kid at the back of her car.

"They don't deserve to live," Simon said sitting at the back looking at the Athena with a cold stare.

"Yeah well, you don't either. but you don't see me grabbing a grenade and kill you" Athena said sarcastically.

"No, just me" Simon said and started laughing.

"What's funny?" Athena ask.

"oh, nothing just enjoy the fireworks," Simon said.

"what fireworks?" Athena asks and she looks at the kid holding a grenade. She thought she grabs all of his weapons.

Simon smiled as he removes the safety pin... Athena jumps out of her moving car and landed with few scratches.

After a few seconds, the car exploded... Athena asks for backup on the radio and she walks to the car and sees that Simon is gone.

"That kid is good," Athena said and reported a kid carrying explosives.

At a house not far from the explosion. Simon manages to escape Athena. He is pretty bang-up. some part of his body is burned, some are bleeding, and few bruises. He was trained by his father to become the very best soldier when he grows up because his father is in the military that why he has access to some grenades. His mother was a nurse. She was his hero not his father he will do everything to destroy the 118 from what they did to his mother.

"Starting with you Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley... I will make sure bobby will have no family left " Simon said as he looks at the television showing Eddie and Buck.

Back at the station. Eddie, Buck, Tk, and Carlos are heading to the hospital for a check-up and get information of buck's sudden come back. Eddie was happy holding buck's hand without hiding it from anyone.

"So what your saying is Evan's memory here is back?" the doctor asks.

"Yes," Eddie said not sure if it is good news.

"In a study that is not possible. I will just take a look at Evan for a sec" The doctor said and Eddie agreed.

After a while, the doctor is done examining Buck.

"So it appears that he did regain his memory but be careful because your head has been hit twice I can't be sure that if it happened again will make your memory lose permanently.. or make your brain suffer more damage," the doctor said

"Thank you doc," Eddie said and the 4 walks out from the hospital. Eddie is sweating as he holds buck's hand.

"Um, Eddie are you alright?" Buck ask.

"Yeah, why?" Eddie ask.

"Your sweating too much," Buck said as he raises their hand.

"Ok fine you got me...Evan... I'm just worried that if you hit your head again you could lose your memory forever" Eddie said looking at buck's eyes.

"Hey I won't let that happen," Buck said as he hugs Eddie.

"I hope so too," Eddie said and buck kiss his forehead.

Carlos drives them back to the fire station and heads back to the police station just like Athena ordered him to. After they arrived buck runs toward bobby to tell him that he will work even with his condition.

"Cap I know what your gonna say but please I need this job-- " Bobby cut buck.

"No need I know that If I let you take a long break then you will do something stupid so as long as you said your fine then you're fine but please don't get yourself injured," Bobby said and everyone was kinda shocked.

"Yeah, cap does have a point. what would you even do this time? burn the firehouse?" Chim joked.

"Burn what?" Owen said as he walks upstairs.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" TK said as he hugs his dad.

"Well I came to see Buck on his ukulele lesson... and also come here anyway because I was shopping not far from here," Owen said. "Oh, and I have pizza" Owen added as he raises 3 boxes of pizza.

"Yes!" Buck said as he grabs a slice. The others did the same it was a fun 11 minutes of eating until the bell rings.

"Buck I suggest you grab your uniform and dress on the truck" Bobby ordered buck as he runs to the truck. Buck nodded and grabs his uniform in the locker room and followed to the truck.

Inside the ambulance. Buck change into his uniform and waited until they reach the call. Eddie keeps staring at buck as he dresses up. Hen notice this as she was driving the ambulance.

"Eddie your drooling" Hen joked as he looks at Eddie.

"What?" Eddie said as he looks at Hen. She just laughs at Eddie.

Buck smiled and a few minutes later they arrived.

They saw a car at the edge of the bridge about to fall. "Buck, Eddie I need you two to grab the woman and her son. Chim, Tk, and I will hold the cable. Hen check the surrounding area if others are injured" Bobby ordered them and did what they told. Eddie and buck wore straps while Chim and Tk are supporting the cable. Hen notice another man on the ground. She checked and saw that he has a broken bone on his left leg and has a glass stuck on his lower abdominal area.

"Cap found a guy his name is Harold Dechavez he has a broken left leg and a glass on his lower abdomen" Hen said thru the radio.

"Copy, Hen... Buck, Eddie how's it going down there?" Bobby ask.

"Were are almost done cap" Buck said as he grabs the lady.

They safely landed and the 3 were taken to the hospital.

Back at Simon's home.

"Hope your ready Evan and Eddie you're going to have a bang along with every one of your stupid captain," Simon said as he holds a pistol on his hand.

"Just you wait.............. I will get you all"

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