Simon's Game Part 2 Ch 23

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30 minutes earlier in the firehouse.

"Sir Carlos wanna play hide and seek?" Christopher ask.

"Sorry kid I have work to do" Carlos replied showing a bunch of paper works. 

"Oh ok" Christopher replied a bit sad. Carlos notice this.

"Hey, Hey don't worry when I'm done I will play with you ok" Carlos said as he kneed down to look at him. He gave him a promise and he will keep it. 

"Yeah thank you sir Carlos" Christopher smiled as he walk back to the other kids.

"Alright see you later buddy, have, fun," Carlos said and goes to his room.

He close the door and open the file about chloe santos.

"It's states here that she also gone to the same school as simon..... what else are in this file that's important............ Her parent's died in a car accident when she was little... She has a connection to Simon's father because she was a soldier before she became a cop" Carlos is trying to think if Chloe is really helping simon.

"I got to inform sargent Athena about this" Carlos said as he gets up from his chair.

Suddenly he was being electrocuted by something or someone and falls to the ground.

"Tell what Carlos?" Chloe ask holding a taser gun.

Carlos tried to get up even if he's body is being fried by the taser.

"Wow you are strong, you're still conscious after I tased you. what should I?.... Aha," Chloe said and hit Carlos on the head with a baseball bat.

Carlos lost conscious.

"Now time to get rid of this fil--" Chloe was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Hello, I need to grab my stuff, Carlos. I know you are busy but I need my STUFF" Danny said on the other side.

"Hang on just a minute I'm cleaning" Chloe said grabbing the papers while looking on the door. She did not notice that one of the paper drop on the floor.

Chloe put carlos under the bed surprisingly he fits and put her blanket underneath so the other can't see him.

She opens the door. "OMG you were taking too long. You know Chloe I need to fix my face, pronto... I got to look handsome if I'm going to ask Marry to a date. Anyway, I thought I saw Carlos here?" Danny said still half naked.

"Oh, he left. Alright alright I'm just going to grab a few stuff and I will be right back" Chloe said and leaves.

She received a message from simon... 'It's time to activate the 3rd bomb'. She texted 'ok heading there now'.

She goes to the room full of equipment. She activated the bomb.


Christopher was playing with his airplane when his plane goes inside a room. He followed it and when he grab his paper plane he saw chloe pressing button on something.

"Hello, Chloe what are you doing?" Christopher ask. Chloe saw Christopher and grabs something on her pocket.

"Um is everything ok?" Christopher asks as Chloe approaches him. Christopher is starting to get frightened. 

"Yeah Chris and I'm really sorry," Chloe said.

"Sorry for whaaa----" Christoper can't breath when Chloe cover his mouth with her towel with some substance.

Christopher falls in the ground and she carried him to her van. Nobody was looking because most of the people were kids watching tv or the other looking distracted by work. She puts handcuffs on Christopher and lock the other hand on her van so he can't leave.

Owen just finish his shower and getting ready to dress when bobby called him.

"Owen evacuate the fire house Simon place a bomb there." bobby ordered.

"Alright" Owen said and hangs up the phone. He puts on his shirt and pants. He looks for Carlos in his room but he is not there.

"Everyone go outside there is a bomb hidden in the station we need to evacuate now" Owen yelled and the others did what they are told.

"Owen I can't find Christopher!" Carla said panicking.

"I also can't fine Carlos his car is here but he is not" Owen replied.

"I will look for both of them you on the other hand stay with the other outside" Owen gave an order.

"Ok owen, please find christoper" Carla said as she runs away outside.

Owen nodded and heads upstairs.

He keep looking and looking but he can't fine Christopher or Carlos.

The fire fighters arrived.. Bobby and Eddie gets out of the truck.

"Owen what are you doing here? get out it's not safe" Bobby said.

"No I need to find Christopher and Carlos they are missing" Owen said still looking.

"What Christopher is missing?" Eddie said as he walks towards Owen.

"Eddie calm down we will find him ok.. we will find him" Bobby said as he calms him down.

"Alright let's not waste time we only have 4:00 minutes left we can't waste a second.. no argument Eddie go take the right, Owen take the left, I will check upstairs.

When the 3 split Chloe gets inside her van and drives away. "Dang it our plan failed simon I was not able to kill carlos" Chloe said thought the phone.

"What?! what does Carlos know?" Simon ask.

"He know my secret connection to you he figured it out" Chloe said.

"I got rid of the evidence he was holding" Chloe added.

"That's not going to help because you failed your simple task to keep the 118 from finding your identify" Simon said.

"Don't worry I got someone that might help us" Chloe said.

"What is it Eddie Diaz or Evan Buckley?" Simon ask.

"No It's Diaz jr.. I got Christopher" Chloe said as she checks Christopher at the back still unconscious.

"Great I will meet you in our lair" Simon said and hangs up.

Athena arrived at the station to check the children and the others to see if they got hurt.

"Bobby I found the bomb" Owen said through the radio.

"Alright we are on are way" Bobby replied.

The bomb is different from the other two this one doesn't have a button. Just a timer with wires and stuff

This bomb doesn't have a button" Bobby replied

"Hang on I think I know what to do," Eddie said and heads to check the bomb. He grabs his knife and open the bomb carefully

After a few seconds, Eddie was able to disarm the last bomb with 2 seconds to spare. But he was not happy because he was not able to find Christopher.

Then Owen notice something odd in the room it's a paper plane with a Christopher named on it.

"Eddie look at this" Owen said and eddie looks at the object.

He saw a paper plane with Christopher's name written on it with a bunch of drawings.

"Simon probably kidnapped him... If he hurt's my son I will kill him myself" Eddie said as he leaves not even looking at captain or athena going inside the room.

Hey so i notice that the last few chapters were mainly focus on Simon, Carlos, Chloe and not buddie so sorry for that, but next time I will try to make it work😀

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