Strong Ch 49

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Bobby and hen, the twins and Annabelle has a shift. Bobby is cooking dinner, the twins are singing, Annabelle calling someone, while Hen is reading her textbook.

It's quite not than many call for the past 6 hours.

Chimney and buck has a dinner at maddie's place because of the buckley's parents. So he thought it's just him and hen.

Until someone walk upstairs.

"Eddie? What are you doing here I thought that your with buck because of dinner with his parents?" Bobby ask and hen close her book to listen.

"Cap can I talk to you?" Eddie ask as his eyes shows that he's been crying for a while.

"Alright let's go in my office" Bobby said and they both head there.

"So what happened?" Bobby ask.

"We got into a fight" Eddie replied barely making eye contact.

"What did you guys fight about?" Bobby ask.

"About me keeping my problems to him" He replied.

"Eddie. You know that being in a relationship, being open to your partner is needed for both of you to figure out the problem and help each other deal with it" Bobby replied.

"Are you cheating on him?" Bobby added.

"No! I would never do that to him" Eddie replied.

"Then what is it your not telling him?" Bobby ask.

"Wow your even hopeless than what I imagine who knew that you would ask help from your captain nash" Simon said.

"Eddie are you alright?" Bobby ask.

"Yeah.... yeah... everything is alright" Eddie replied.

"No their something wrong with you" Bobby said.

"Your seeing someone? are you?" Bobby ask.

"No! cap I'm not seeing simon" Eddie said.

"I never said your seeing simon" Bobby replied.

"Eddie you need help, if this continue you could hurt yourself" Bobby replied and suddenly notice his right hand with bandages around it.

"I don't need help I need to be stronger" Eddie replied as he keeps holding his tears.

"Eddie it's great being stronger but it's also great to sometimes be vulnerable so  people around you can help you" he replied.

"Bottling your emotion will only lead to your emotion bursting out of control like what happened between you and buck" He added.

"I need to be strong cap" He said.

"But why eddie? why do you want to be strong so much that you close all your doors" He ask.

"Because I need to be! After Christopher was kidnapped. I'm terrified that if I let go for just one second he will be gone forever. How about buck. I need to be stronger so I can help him get through his addiction and his family. Oh and cap how about my homophobic father that wants to kill my husband! I need to be strong to protect them from any harm!" Eddie said as he feels his tears falling.

"I hear simon and chloe speaking about how pathetic and weak I am every night. I'm can't sleep properly.... I'm a mess.......(sob).....I'm broken" Eddie replied as all the tears he was keeping was release.

Bobby come close and hugs eddie.

"Eddie your not broken.... Your lost and confuse but let us help you" he replied still hugging.

"I can't even help myself" He said.

"Your stronger than what simon and chloe are saying to you" He replied.

"You raise Christopher on your own. You help buck with his problem so let him help you with yours" Bobby added.

"But-" Eddie said.

"You know eddie that my life wasn't easier too. I killed my wife and my kids because of my mistakes. It ook me a while and a lot of help for me to stand up and get my life back together" Bobby said.

"But I wasn't alone when I did it. I had the 118 and others to help me get back up" he said.

"No matter how strong you are as long as your alone you can't fully heal all the wounds" he added.

Outside the office annabelle is eaves dropping on their conversation.

"No" he whispered.

"Annabelle what are you going?" Hen ask.

"Oh I was going to ask cap something" She said.

"No no I saw you you were eaves dropping at them" She said.

"No I was not" She said.

"I got to got" she said and leaves.

When she is far away from hen.

"Sir operation eddie breaker is a failed" She said.

"No! I need that man to break until he's broken in pieces" A man said.

At buck's apartment.

"Buck where are you?" Oliver ask.

"I'm almost there okay" Buck replied.

"Oh can you tell eddie to bring christopher if he can" Maddie said.

"He is'nt coming sis" Oliver replied.

"Why is there an emergency?" Maddie ask.

"No oliver I got this give her the phone" Buck said.

Oliver gave the phone to maddie

"So evan buckley explain! NOW!" Maddie said.

"We had a small misunderstanding earlier" buck replied.

"So me and chim fight sometimes what's the problem?" Maddie.

"It's complicated maddie please don't ask further question okay. Dinner is already stressful" Buck replied.

"Okay but your going to talk to me after dinner" Maddie said.

"Yeah yeah bye" Buck said and hangs up the phone.


"And the other are getting suspicious with my work" Annabelle said.

"Then be more friendly to them convince them you have nothing to hide" he said.

"But--" She said.

"Are you disobeying my order?" the man said.

"No I jus----" She said

"Don't forget that your mother life is on my hand. If you don't do what I ask you to do then your mother gets it" He said.

"Please please I'll do what you want. Just please don't let my mother die" She said.

"Good we are on the same page. I want what's best for my sons life" He said and drops the call.

Hey guys Sorry If the story is kinda rush. I was originally going to post this yesterday but My homework took almost an entire day so I hope you like the chapter.

Secret for now (Buddie fan fic) [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora