Stuck Day. Ch 12

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The 118 is back after saving the family from the burning building, Rescuing a man stuck on the giant Christmas tree, and Saving the child that got stuck in the elevator. Eddie checks if his parents are still inside, He saw none of them. He was glad that his parents are not here anymore.

"So Christmas is coming, how do you guys celebrate Christmas here?" TK asks.

"Um normal... why is Christmas different in texas?" Chim asks as he puts his helmet down.

"Um No just asking" TK grabs mineral water from the fridge.

"So TK, me, and the 118 family are going to celebrate Christmas here, why don't you invite your dad and your boyfriend Carlos here if you don't have any plans," Bobby said looking at TK.

"Thank you cap I will tell them," TK said as he goes to the locker room to change.

"There are 5 days left before Christmas I should start buying presents for the kids," Buck said as he walks to the locker room.

As buck was walking into the locker room he saw TK grabbing his stuff probably leaving because his shift is over. Buck says hi and TK did the same then followed by asking Buck how things with Eddie.

"Well, it's going great actually. He said that he will tell them in Christmas about us" buck replied smiling as he opens the locker.

"Well good for the both of you because you guys deserve to be free" TK as he packs his last stuff.

"Thank you TK," Buck said as he closes his locker and looks at TK.

"No problem got to help my people right," TK said as he smiled.

TK walks out of the locker room and said good night to all of us.

Hen was also done with her shift so it's just me, cap, chim, and Eddie for the night.

Haft an hour and chim decided to sleep, bobby was reading a book in his bed, while buck and Eddie were just sitting on the couch talking. They check the surroundings and nobody was up at 2 AM so they decided to kiss but they wanted more. Buck and Eddie were just happy to see each other after a long day of work. Eddie decided to released the tension so he pulled back into the bathroom where they can shower together. Nobody seems to notice this because the door was lock. It's was fun hours in the shower until they decided to get ready for the day because they're exhausted from what they been doing for the past hours in the shower.

After a while, the two got dress and head back upstairs to see it's only 3 Am. "So round 5" Buck asks as he kisses Eddie on the cheek.

"Buck really? We did it 4 times in the showers I need my strength and you need yours" Eddie said as he pulls back to bed.

"Fine, back to reality it is," Buck said as he walks to the bed area and crashes to his bed.

Eddie did the same.

They have been asleep for about 3 hours until they are woken up by the alarm. The two run to the truck. Buck and Eddie did not even grab what bobby made for breakfast.

*At the truck*

Hey Eddie, Buck did you guys sleep enough?" Chim asks as he looks at the two.

"Yes I think," Eddie said as he tried to wake his body up.

"Well here have some candy," Bobby said as he hands Eddie and buck candies.
"Those are coffee candy. Athena bought 3 boxes because she always needs coffee on the go and she gave me a box"

"Thanks, cap" Buck said as he removes the candy wrapper.

"Hey, can I have some of that cap. I was not able to sleep well last night because I keep hearing the showers. I mean who showers at 2 Am" Chim said as bobby handed him one.

Buck and Eddie were looking at each other a bit scared that they were making too much noise.

When they arrived they saw a man holding a star stuck on the top of the Christmas tree.

"This is the 3rd time someone is stuck on a Christmas tree. What is today, stuck day?" Chim joked as he uses the ladder on the truck.

"No time for a joke. Chim ready the ladder. Buck, Eddie grabs the trampoline just in case" bobby said pointing at the truck. They nodded and did what they were told.

After a while, Chim saves the man and he is now examining if he got any injuries. Buck and Eddie putting back the trampoline and Bobby talking to the man about why he was stuck in the first place. Turns out he wanted to hang the star in his massive Christmas tree but when he reaches the top, A dog move and drop the ladder, and the neighborhood was quiet and none are outside. Chim was done examining him and they are now on their way back to the station.

"Well wanna bet if we get another person stuck on something today," Buck said and the other raise their brow.

"You're on," Chim said giving 2 dollars.
"How about you cap?" Buck ask.
"Nah pass" bobby said.
After a whole day, Eddie won. None of the calls are people stuck on something.

*At Owen strands apartment*

"TK where is Carlos?" Owen ask.

"Um, he went outside to buy some coffee. Why dad did something happen?"Tk asks as he turns the volume of the TV low.

"Well I can't find my phone I think I left it in his car or the community center," Owen said looking at the cabinet.

"Um, dad check your jacket" TK aid pointing to the jacket.

Owen checks and he found his phone.

"How?" Owen ask.

"Well you just got off the community center and it's freezing so I'm guessing you wore a jacket and that's where you typically put your phone anyway," TK said as he stands up and put the remote next to the Tv.

"Oh ok anyway, I have chemotherapy later. Wanna come?" Owen ask.

"Sure dad. I don't have a shift and today is Carlos's day off" TK said as he checks his phone.

"We should also buy some presents for the 118" Owen suggest and TK agreed.

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