Buck's Friend Ch 25

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Eddie has no shift today he was just there in the fire house. Buck wanted to stay with him but he refuses. He just want to be alone... for now and buck understands that.

"Remember Nash will be here at around 8:00Am so wait for him he will be able to help us find Christopher" Buck said.

"Ok buck bye... and buck" Buck turn around to look at his boyfriend. "Please be safe" Eddie said.

"I will" Buck replied with a smiled and runs towards the truck.

After buck and the others are gone a car park on the fire station.

"Buck!! Why did you want to see me" Nash ask as he looks around.

"Hey you must be Nash Ilagan, I'm Eddie Diaz.... his boyfriend" Eddie introduce himself.

"Woah that a big twist I guest it's bound to happen sooner or later because he always like you.. he keeps telling me all the great things about you" Nash said.

"So why--" Nash was cut off by his phone ringing. "One sec."

"Hello, Buck"

"Hey Nash so I want you help with tracking Eddie's son I assume you met.. He will give you all the detail. I can't because the other will never allow us to do it ourself but I won't just stand around doing nothing" Buck said.

"Alright take care" Nash said and hands up.

"So tell me the story and I will help in any way I can" Nash said.

Eddie told him everything about simon's game.. Bomb... Kidnapping his kid.. etc.

"Alright so this guys is smart... let's see if he's smarter than me and my wife Arfeah" Nash said as arfeah walk towards them.

"Alright let get to work" Arfeah said as she crack her knuckles.

She grabs a computer and started pressing on the keyboard. Nash grabs Eddie arm.

"Nice watch did buck gave it to you?" Nash ask.

"Yes" Eddie replied and nash removes it.

"What are you doing buck gave me that" eddie replied.

"Oh I'm returning it and where is buck's room?" Nash ask.

"there" He pointed "Why do you need our watch anyway?" Eddie ask.

He goes to buck and eddie's room and grabs the watch.

"I'm going to upgrade you watch so it's not just for show it's also useful" Nash said.

He sits down and grab a box. He remove some parts and replace it with other. He started soldering some component. It took him 10:00 minutes and he was done on both watch.

"That's slow I should have finish those 2 in 8 minutes" Nash complains and gave eddie both the watch.

Eddie wears his new and improved watch.

"Behold the new and improved Ilagan Tech Smart watch with features that will help you in certain situation that non normal watch could ever do" Nash said.

"Wow your like an advertisement" Eddie joked.

"It's features include a Taser mechanism, Sos signal, A full detailed map navigator, Voice changer, Tracker, and I save the best for last This watch have the ability to shot 1 tiny syringe that will weaken the target in lest than 60 second it will last for 5 minutes. Charlie and Shawn mendes will be so jealous if they saw your watch" Nash said.

"Wait this watch is now a weapon?" Eddie ask confused as he never seen technology do this only in movies.

"Yes. Don't worry you can't kill anyone with it" Nash assured eddie.

"Alright done" Arfeah said.

"What's done?" Eddie ask.

"I finally have a possible area on where Simon and Chloe are hiding" Arfeah said.

"How? The police are taking forever to find him" Eddie ask.

"Well I know all there is to know about technology. "The laptop created a sound.

"Alright I narrow it down to a building at that location" Arfeah said pointing to it.

"I don't know which room he is in but I'm 88.88% sure he is in that building" Arfeah said.

Eddie was about to ask how he got a number "I done the math" Arfeah replied and he just nodded.

"How do you guys know buck anyway?" Eddie ask.

"He save me and Arfeah when we were on a car accident here in LA. We own him our life without you guys maybe we are dead for sure.. He reminds of Shawn mendes when he help me when we were in japan" Nash explain

"Well.... what you met Shawn mendes?" Eddie ask.

"Um yeah he is my friend. He is doing a concert here along with his boyfriend charlie puth next week" Nash replied.

"Maybe" Eddie said.

"Hey if you guys rescued Christopher then you have to come to the concert deal" Arfeah said.

"Deal" Eddie said as he shakes her hand.

"Here give this everymember of the 118 this is our way of thanking them" Nash said as he give Eddie an enveloped filled with Concert ticket.

"I think this is too much.. You guys know how much each of this cost right" Eddie said as he try to reject Nash's gift.

"Hey we insist and beside we are kinda rich not to brag" Arfeah said as he give it back to Eddie.

"Thank you" Eddie said.

"Hey a friend of buck is a friend of mine" Nash said as thry wave goodbye.

"Bye have a lovely time here in LA" Eddie said.

When Eddie turns around his new watch vibrates he check it's a coordinates for the building. "Alright" Eddie said as he walks back to his room.

Near the kitchen area.. Nobody notice but Carlos was listening to their conversation. He tried to hide as much as possible because he know that eddie will make a lie about this new friend oh his. He heard it all from the watch to the coordinates send to him.

He walks back to his room. so Eddie won't ask him if he was listening to them or not.

Carlos grabs a few things and puts it in his backpack. He has a feeling that Buck and Eddie will do something so stupid later"

Hey so I know this chapter does not much have action but I promise the next one probably, depending on the chapter. Anyway Hope non of you guys Hate Sharlie fan fiction. You don't need to love it if you don't obviously. I just want to add a dimension in my story so like the 118 are real characters and not just actors hehe. As I said before if you guys read my other story about real person. I do not intend on ruining Charlie puth and Shawn Mendes friendship because of this. Don not spread hate on this, spread love. That all for now.

This Crossover might be 2 more chapters so if you really want to know them then you can visit my other fan fic. Anyway it's late here Bye🙃

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