Visitor Ch 36

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Buck woke up from the room with eddie holding his hand asleep. He also notice chim and maddie asleep.

Buck tried to move but the pain was preventing him. He still tried to get up while trying not to wake eddie up. Which failed badly.

"Buck your awake!" Eddie said as look at buck.

"Yeah... How long was I out?" Buck ask.

"Only a couple of hours... 12 hours 27 minutes" Eddie replied.

"wow you really did not have to count the exact time" Buck smiled.

"How is Christopher?" Buck ask.

"Yeah he is fine. I let her stay the night at abuela again" Eddie replied.

"Yeah... Sorry for worrying about me and ruining our zoo outin-" Eddie cuts of buck.

"Don't apologize buck. You did nothing wrong. I'm the one that should be apologizing. I wasn't there when you needed me" Eddie replied trying hard to keep the tears from falling.

"But I need to know who did this to you?" Eddie ask.

"U... All I remember was guys wearing a face mask and cap. I barely see his face because of it.... He told.... me that ..."our kind are the reason there are so many sinners" Then after that I don't recall anything" buck stuttered as he tried to remember it all.

While they are talking 2 person came inside their room.

"Hey I got the distress signal from my computer are you okay?" Nash asked showing his phone with the distress signal.

"How did you get a distress signal?" Eddie ask.

"Don't you remember that the watch track almost every minute of the wearer. I called it the user monitory protocol" Arfeah replied holding a gift.

"What that?" Buck ask pointing at the gift.

"I a gift to eddie so this stuff don't happen again" Arfeah replied as he hand eddie the gift.

Eddie opened it and he saw a watch with the same color and brand as his other one that got destroyed from a while ago.

"I can't take this. You guys gave us so many stuff. I feel so bad for not getting you anything" Eddie replied as he try to give it back.

"No take it. This will help you get in touch if one of you got badly injured" Nash replied as he give it back to eddie.

"Yes take it" Arfeah replied.

"I wanted to ask a question?" Buck ask.

"Sure buck what is it?" Arfeah ask.

"I check almost all the stores I can fine and even your company. How come I never see anything like this?" Buck ask.

"That's because we never released this product. It's too risky to just sell this to any person. They might use it for bad purposes. That why there are only few of that in the world Me arfeah, our parents, shawn, charlie, buck and now you eddie as well." Nash replied.

Buck and Eddie nodded.

Chim and maddie woke up and saw two visitors.

"We must be interrupting something?" Chim ask.

"No we just drop a gift and also wanted to see how buck is doing" Nash replied.

"Wait who are you guys?" Maddie ask.

"Oh I'm arfeah and this us my husband nash. we came by to the fire house last time" Arfeah replied.

"Oh, I'm maddie buck's sister" She said as he shake their hand.

"Wow your pregnant" Arfeah said.

Maddie nodded.

"Well good luck on your baby and we wish buck to recover soon, bye" Nash said and then waves goodbye.

"Thank you guys" Buck said.

"Buck your awake you scared the crap out of me" maddie said.

"Scared enough to gave birth to the baby" Buck joked.

"Buck your still a child you know that" chim replied.

"Yeah well this child is in love and thankfull on his boyfriend and his family for being here" Buck said as he looks at them.

Eddie opens the gift and wears the watch arfeah and nash gave him.

"it fits perfectly" Eddie replied.

"Now you go take your medicine" Eddie said as he hold a pill.

"Ok your theboss" Buck replied

"I'm the boss and I order you to recover from your injures okay" Eddie said as he tried not to laugh.

Buck always make the situation funny just to avoid the pain. This is one of the reason why he loves him so much.

Eddie gave buck a kiss. And the camera man walk inside and take a couple of pictures.

"what's happening?" Eddie ask.

"The media needs to know you guys are safe" Darwin said.

"Your from the Cute couple TV show" maddie said.

"Yes the fans are waiting for an update on the two that's why we are here" darwin said.

"And now that you got your update you can leave I need to talk to them in private" Athena said as she walks inside.

"Ok thank you for you time" Darwin exit the room along with the camera man.

"So mind giving me details about this... and don't you even dare of finding who stab his eddie. Because if you did I will stab you with this bad myself" Athena warned eddie.

"I won't" Eddie replied.

"Promise me. Now that Tk and Carlos are back in austin you won't have a back up so let me do my job" Athena said.

Eddie nodded as he doesn't have anything to say.

"Hey buck how are you?" Athena ask.

"Getting better" Buck replied.

"Now that out of the way tell me what happened" Athena said.

Buck told everything he can remember while athena takes some notes on her paper.


"Good day to you our viewers. We got good news to you all. Buck is now recovering from the injury. They did not give us details but we hope that Buddie is fine. Because we know you guys are dying to get some new info on one of the 3 cute couple contestant. We hope that Buck will get a full recovery" Darwin said.

"This picture shows that love is stronger that any struggle in life (shows the picture of eddie and buck kissing on the hospital) If you want buck and eddie AKA Buddie to be the crowned winner of this month's cute couple tv show then vote for buddie now"

"That it for now on buddie let's head to the other contestant James and Katrina...."

Hey so I made Nash and arfeah part of this world now instead of making another crossover because they are 2 of my favorite OC character. Most of the name here that aren't familiar to you are my OC characters if you did not notice. Hope you like the chapter as always😀

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