I Don't Need Your Help Ch 47

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Maddie decided to visit buck and he ask oliver to come with him.

"Hey maddie, Oliver what brings you here?" Buck ask after opening the door.

"I got something to tell from both of you" she said after coming in.

"Okay let me just grab you a coffee" Buck said as he was about to prepare on himself.

"No need It won't take long" She said and they sit down.

The air suddenly becomes thick, buck and oliver are still in the dark while maddie is taking a big breath.

"I invited mom and dad to visit" Maddie said.

Suddenly their faces changes expression.

"Why did you just told us about it now" Buck said.

"I though your okay with them buck they visited us last time" she said.

"I'm okay that they are trying but I need time to fully coop with everything that our parents put us though me and oliver and you" he said and oliver agreed.

"I just want my little girl to have a normal family" Maddie said.

"This could be good for your therapy" Maddie added.

"Or cause him more" Oliver said pointing to buck.

"Maybe this is what we need to fully move on with our lives" Maddie said.

"Fine but don't leave me with them" Oliver said.

"I won't as long as you don't leave me" Buck said.

"We stick together" Maddie said and the three put out their pinky and raise it.

"Promise!" They said.

Suddenly the door opened.

"Hey buck can I talk to you" Eddie said and quickly notice that he is probably disturbing them.

"Is this a bad time?" Eddie ask.

"No not at all" Buck stands up and kiss eddie.

"I finally meet my brother's lover" Oliver said.

"Wait brother?" Eddie said a bit confuse.

"Oh sorry, eddie meet my brother, Oliver Buckley. Oliver this is Eddie diaz" buck said.

They both shakes hand.

"Nice to meet you oliver" Eddie said.

"Nice to finally meet you eddie" Oliver said.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Buck ask.

"Um... Can we talk in private?" Eddie ask and buck nodded.

They head upstairs while oliver pour a cup of coffee.

"I...." Eddie was about to say something when it happened again.

"What's wrong eddie can't speak now to your pathetic man" Chloe said.

'Your just in my head, Your just in my head" Eddie said to himself.

"Um eddie who are you looking at? and are you alright, your sweating a lot" Buck ask.

"Never mind I got it" Eddie said.

"Wait eddie, just tell me please you been acting strange for some time now. You know if you need to talk you know I'm here right" Buck said as he place his hand on eddie's shoulder.

"Yeah but really I got this" Eddie said and head downstairs. He waved goodbye to maddie, oliver and head out.

"So what happened?" Maddie ask.

"I don't know. we didn't talk at all he just stare at something and then he leaves" Buck replied.

"There must be something big going on on eddie. Maybe he need your help but he is too afraid to ask. " Oliver said.

"How would you know that?" Maddie ask.

"Cause It happened to me before with my ex. I really needed him but I was too afraid to ask because he wasn't out yet. And if people see use more often that usual they will think something about us. I know it's a completely different story but you get my point " Oliver explained.

"Is that the reason you moved here? Why didn't you call me or buck about this" Maddie ask.

"No that was a long time ago beside I needed to figure it out myself that time so I know if I'm strong enough to stand in my own or not" Oliver said.

"Well this time you got us. And we can survive dinner with our parents" Maddie said as they hug each other.

"Probably" Buck added.

"Buck don't ruin the moment" Maddie said.


At eddie's place.

"Stop stop stop!" Eddie yelled good thing christopher is in school.

"Face it you can't get rid of us" Chloe said.

"Once we escape prison we will hurt christopher in front of you so you can see how terrible of a father you are to him" Simon said.

"How a terrible husband you are to shannon" Chloe said.

"Or how weak and pathetic you are for trying to ask your Buck for help. Poor buck maybe he is tired of your crap" Simon said.

"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" He yelled and punch the glass table causing it to shattered.

He looks around saw his shaking hand covered with blood from the glass.

Eddie walk to the kitchen to clean the wound and cover it with a band aid. After done he grabs a broom and dustpan and clean the broken glass.

Few minutes later somebody opened the door.

"Hey eddie---what happened to your table?" Buck ask pointing to what use to be a table.

"I accidentally broke it" Eddie said.

"How by sliding on it" Buck joked.

Buck laughs while eddie fake a laughs.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Eddie ask.

"I wanted to ask if everything is alright. I can sense it's not so don't you dare lie to me" Buck said and notice eddie's hand bleeding a bit.

"Are you bleeding?" Buck said as he grabs eddie's right arm.

"oh I got hit by the glass when I was picking it, how clumsy am I" Eddie said as he tried to cover it up.

"No that wasn't it. I can sense your lying. Did you go back to the wresting match? You know that place could kill you" Buck said.

No I haven't been there for a very long "time" Eddie replied.

Buck takes a few moment and thinks.

"You did this on purpose. You punch your glass table and you injured yourself, didn't you?" Buck ask.

"No why would I do that?" Eddie ask.

"Stop lying eddie. For once tell me what it is your feeling inside and let me help you" Buck said.


Buck took a step back as he doesn't recognized eddie anymore.

"You know what fine, I'm only trying to help you, you know. I wanted to also ask you to come with me to dinner with my parents but it seems your not in the mood" Buck said and leaves.

"Buck wait" Eddie yelled but the other firefighter didn't turn around.

"I'm sorry" he whispered as he feels tears starting to fall again.

Hey sorry if it's kinda short It's really tiring after a lot of homework finish. I can't wait for 911 ep 5 buck begins. O just watch both episode 4 of 911 and 911 lone star and I got to say I really enjoyed it. I want to watch the next one as soon as possible but that will take a while. Anyway hope you like the story and I also made a new 911 fanfiction but the pairing us not buddie nor tarlos it's Tk and buck. Don't worry it' is set in an alter universe so this book is buddie 100%😀

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