Simon's Game Part 1 Ch 22

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Chloe and Clark are on duty while Danny is sleeping in his room and Carlos reading a book sometimes peeking at Chloe.

Carlos found her snooping places where they are not even allowed to check. He is starting to have doubts about her.

When she was done talking to Clark. Carlos goes back to reading his book.

"Hey, Carlos do you have any shampoo left... I ran out yesterday and their shampoo is not my type at all" Danny asks still wearing his pajamas.

"Yeah check the left side of my bag you will find a bottle of shampoo there you can have it if you want I have loads more anyway" Carlos replied still looking at his book.

"Thanks" Danny replied as he leaves.

"What are you reading sir Carlos?" Christopher ask.

"Oh hey Christopher I'm reading the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho" Carlos replied as he shows the cover of the page.

"Oh.. well enjoy your book sir Carlos me, Carla and the other are going to play games," Christopher said smiling.

"Ok have fun and remember-" Carlos said.

"Always be safe and call for help when you're in trouble" Christopher replied.

"That's my man give me 5," Carlos said and High fives Chris.

Carlos goes back to reading his book while thinking. Should I inform Sargent Athena about this? No! I still need evidence or anything that will help. When he looked for Chloe she was gone.

Carlos stands up and checks the area.

"Looking for someone?" Chloe ask.

"Um... yeah I was looking for Danny I wanna talk to him regarding the shampoo" Carlos lied but looks convincing enough.

"Oh I heard him singing on the men's shower" Chloe replied pointing at the shower room smiling.

"Thanks," Carlos said.

"No problem anytime," Chloe said as she walks towards her room.

Carlos walks to a safe distance to call her friend Catty.

"Hey catty can you look up anything you can find on Chloe Santos" Carlos whispered.

"Ok why? she is a police officer plus she is in your team" Catty ask.

"Please I think I'm on to something" Carlos replied.

"Alright, you know Sargent will kill both of us if your gut is incorrect.. right?" Catty said.

"I know," Carlos said raising his hands. He knows the risk and he is willing to take it if he knows it's for a good cause.

"Ok I will look her up and I will let you know what I found" Catty replied.

"Thank you catty," Carlos said.

"Yeah yeah byeeeee" Catty said and hangs up.

"Hey Carlos is everything okay," Owen asked. He knows that Carlos is kinda up to something but he can't force to tell him if he doesn't want to.

Should I tell sir Owen?

"Um no everything is fine" Carlos replied and starts his car.

"oh no, I'm taking a day off today from the community service," Owen said and Carlos nodded.

-- at the fire truck.

The team is heading back when bobby's phone rings.

"Hello?" Bobby answered.

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