Happy Birthday Kyle!

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*10 AM*
Kyle was asleep in his apartment in Cardiff, as the set of tapings for NXT UK was finished for the time being, still asleep when he heard his phone ring

Kyle: *half asleep* Ugh, what's going on? - he checked his phone and saw he had messages from Johnny, Adam, Ricochet,  Dakota, his parents and his brother

Johnny: Happy birthday dude! Have a great day, we'll get in touch later

Adam: Happy birthday! We miss you over here, kinda 🤣. Seriously have a great day, you deserve it

Jackson: Happy cake day old man! Love ya bro. How's life on the other side of the pond?

Allie: My baby boy is 24! Awww happy birthday Kyley! We miss you so much, we'll talk later

Dakota: Hi bro! You probably have like 800 Happy birthday messages by now so I'm sorry you have 801 now🤭. For real have a nice day and enjoy your birthday tea!😝

Kyle finished going through all his messages with a smile on his face, being both awwd and amused depending on which message it was before going to the bathroom, brushing his teeth, coming back to his bedroom and seeing he had a new message

Tegan: Hi Birthday boy! How's everything going?

Kyle: Pretty cool, just got up

Tegan: Neat!

Tegan: I'm almost there

Kyle: Just got up?

Tegan: Not exactly 🤭

Kyle: Huh?

He didn't have much time to think about Tegan's last text, because just seconds later he felt banging on the door

Kyle: Oh my God - he said to himself in amusement - who is it?

Tegan: Who could it be?

Kyle: Did you really?..... - before he could finish he got cut off

Tegan: Yup! Now can I come in? I just want to celebrate my boyfriend's birthday - Kyle opened the door and saw her in a cute birthday hat and an English muffin

Tegan: Happy birthday! - she said in a cute tone and jumped into a hug on him

Kyle: *giggles* Awww thank you so much little wizard! - he hugged back and only then noticed her legs wrapped around him

Kyle: Wait you can do that again? - Tegan nodded with a happy smile

Tegan: Indeed, my knee is so much better by now so I can bend it completely, which is neat because I can give you more of this hugs! - she tightened her grip and they kissed

Kyle: And I wouldn't want it any other way - he caressed her cheek

Tegan: Awwww! Also since I didn't have time to bake a cake I brought you this muffin - she looked at him with a sheepish smile and handed him the muffin with a candle on it

Tegan: Think 3 wishes - Kyle took a moment to think about them and blew the candle

Tegan: And? What did you wish for?

Kyle: If I tell you the first two they won't become true, but the third is right in front of me so - he kissed her forehead

Tegan: I'm really a birthday wish?

Kyle: And the best one I could ask for

Tegan: Awwww my heart! - she jokingly clutched her chest, making Kyle laugh a bit

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