Takeover Phoenix

390 5 57

Phoenix, AR
8:30 AM

Tegan woke up with the sun entering through the hotel room window, as they forgot to roll down the curtain last night. She tried to remain as quiet as possible to avoid waking up her boyfriend, but after looking towards his side of the bed, she noticed him sitting on the edge of it

Tegan: Hi luv

Kyle: Shit! - he got scared by her voice, clearly not expecting it

Tegan: Did I scare you? - she asked, a tad concerned

Kyle: *deep breath* Yeah, didn't expect you to wake up really

Tegan: Oh, what are you doing on the edge of the bed? - she tilted her head

Kyle: I just needed to be alone with my thoughts - he left out a little sigh

Tegan: Nervous already Panda bear?

Kyle: I feel like I'm going to explode - he took another deep breath

Tegan: Aww, i guess this might help - she wrapped herself around him in a hug from behind and laid her head on his shoulder

Tegan: Luv, listen to me. I know this is a really big match for you but if you're going to get nervous from now you're going to dread today and that's not the point, just relax and try to have the best day possible, got me? - she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek

Kyle: Can't promise much, but I'll try

Tegan: Neat! Because I think I have an idea for it - she said in a playful tone

Kyle: And what would that be? - now be tilted his head

Tegan: Guess you'll have to join me to find out - she let herself fall back in bed and Kyle followed suit

Kyle: Okay now what? - Tegan didn't answer, but rather just held her arms out to him with a small grin on her face

Tegan: You're going to leave me hanging mate? - she said in a cute voice

Kyle: Awww come here - he picked her up by the arms and lifted her like a little child

Tegan: *giggles* What are you doing ya daft? Put me down - she said while still giggling

Kyle: Okey dokey - he let her down and now he hugged his girlfriend tight as she laid on his chest

Kyle: Better now?

Tegan: Yup - she nuzzled her head on his shoulder - you're better now too?

Kyle: You know what? I am, thanks baby wizard - a smile formed in his face

Tegan: Yay! - she nuzzled her head on his shoulder with a dreamy expression on her face

Kyle: You're still sleepy? - Tegan nodded - Aww poor little thing! - he then stirred her hair a bit

Tegan: Hey don't do that! - she adorably pouted, now sleepy and messy haired

Kyle: *giggles* I'm sorry but you look so adorable like that! - he pecked her cheeks and kissed her, getting a smile from her too

Kyle: I love seeing a smile on that kissable face, but may I ask, you plan on staying there much longer?

Tegan: Yup you're a really comfy bed. You don't mind this right? - she looked at him with a pouty lip, trying her best to convince him

Kyle: Awww okay - Tegan then relaxed on his chest for a bit until Kyle's phone rang

Kyle: Sorry love but I have to see what is up there

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя