Gone pubbing

316 2 67

*BT Studios, London*
Tegan was hanging in the halls, as she accompanied Kyle to another set of tapings for NXT, when she was approached by two of her friends in Xia, Toni Storm and Kay Lee Ray

KLR: Hey shiny gal! - she called for Tegan's attention as the welshwoman was on her phone

Tegan: Oh! H-hi - she responded abruptly, being caught by surprise by her friend

Xia: Everything fine Tegs? - she tilted her head

Tegan: What? No no, just Kay Lee caught me off guard - she glared at the Scary Queen of Scots

KLR: Not my fault you had your head almost in the phone - she smirked

Toni: What brought you around here now?

Tegan: What do you think? Use your brain Tonti - she teased and Toni jokingly punched her in the arm

Toni: Okay fine I just forgot about you two, how's everything been?

Tegan: Neat! Yeah earlier today we..... - she paused as she saw Xia turn around and start pretending to make out

Tegan: C'mon Xia - she rolled her eyes seeing her friend act a tad childish, but at the same time found it funny coming from the youngest of the group and couldn't hold back a grin

Xia: What? That's what couples do, innit?

Tegan: *giggles* Daft

Xia: What? What did I say now?

KLR: Oh Xia you innocent sweetie. But anyways, how's that knee doing?

Tegan: Oh much much better. I actually got to work out as usual, it was tough but we made it through right Xia?

Xia: Yep! Being totally honest you needed some extra help but hey we did it

Toni: That sounds neat! How long until they clear ya?

Tegan: Umm.... I think I'd I have no bloody setbacks.... - as she was talking Kyle slowly started approaching her from behind, asking the other girls to be quiet by putting his index on his lips

Kyle's mind: I almost got you..... - he then got close enough and wrapped Tegan in a hug from behind

Tegan: Jesus! - she got scared for a bit but then realized it was Kyle - oh hi luv

Kyle: Hi baby wizard - he kissed her cheek and acknowledged the rest of the women there - Ladies

KLR: What brings you over here lad?

Kyle: Oh I'm actually looking for Johnny Saint's office, they told me to go there he wanted to talk about some stuff regarding plans

KLR: Over there - she pointed to the office and Kyle was about to leave when Toni spoke now

Toni: Oh Tegs, you two are doing anything tonight?

Tegan: Dunno, are we? - she placed her head on his shoulder and looked at him with a cute pout

Kyle: Awww, no we're free, what's up?

Toni: We were going to go out, just some blokes and lasses from the brand and wanted to know if ya two wanted to go too, what do you say?

Kyle: Sounds neat for me, who's going?

Xia: Us three, Piper, Rhea, Tyler, Trent, Mandrews and Flash, you in mates?

Kyle: Cool, what about Pete?

Toni: He's on the States for the time being, tapings for the Wargames build

Kyle: Oh yeah I forgot. Like I said I'm in I'm in, but it's not just on me - he looked at Tegan - what do you say Tegs?

Tegan: Uhhh, you know how last time clubbing went - she said, clearly awkward remembering it

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora