Merry Christmas!

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*Continuation of last chapter*
Tegan and Kyle's family presented themselves to the other and, after they got in touch for a bit, they went to the cab stop right outside and Kyle couldn't help but notice a big smile on Tegan's face

Kyle: My gut tells me someone is chuffed am I right? - he joked and got a tight hug as a response

Tegan: Thank you so so so much! This is all I could have asked for

Kyle: And it's only going to get better tomorrow - he noticed how Tegan started tearing up again

Kyle: Awwww don't cry baby wizard! - he kissed the top of her head before Tegan felt how something got wrapped around her leg

Noah: Don't be sad Auntie Tegan, please?

Tegan: *giggles* I'm not sad buddy - she held her nephew in her arms - I'm just so happy I can spend Christmas with my favorite short stuff! - she stirred the kid's hair

Kyle: And when I do that to her she gets angry

Tegan: That's not true! - she scoffed

Kyle: Are you sure about that?

Tegan: Noah defend me! - she shielded herself with her nephew

Noah: Don't touch Auntie Tegan! - he frowned at Kyle before Tegan put him down

Tegan: Tell him shorty! - she played along

Kyle: *Giggles* I'd never. Well, actually yes, but just for things like this - he pulled her close between his arms and kissed her forehead - is that okay mate?

Noah: A-Okay! - he gave them a thumbs up

Tegan: Great to hear that, because it means I can do this - she stood up on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on his lips while Noah covered his eyes with his little hand

Kyle: *giggles* Why are you covering your eyes buddy?

Noah: Mum told me I'm too young to see this - his innocent comment made both Tegan and Kyle laugh bit in endearment

Allie: Sorry to cut the fun but shouldn't we get going? I don't want to speak for everyone but Kyle your dad is exhausted from the flight

Daniel: *snoozes* She's not lying, would you mind taking us to the hotel?

Kyle: Sure, Tegs you mind taking a cab or two for your family? They're at the Four Seasons in the downtown, already made the reservations - Tegan was a bit surprised by those last words and it reflected on her voice

Tegan: Really? Woah luv that's amazing you didn't have to!

Kyle: *giggles* No big deal, it was surprisingly cheaper than I expected but hey, it was fancy and I wanted my in laws to feel comfortable while her

Tegan: Aww that's so sweet! See you at home then?

Kyle: I was thinking in coming by to your family's hotel since I have to go by there to get back home so I can pick you up and maybe pay a little visit?

Tegan: That sounds lovely. See you late mate? - she said with a pretty adorable grin on her face

Kyle: Late mate - he kissed her forehead before they went their separate ways with their families

Tegan then got in a cab along with her parents, as her sister, nephew and brother in law were on a second one, and Tegan couldn't erase a smile from her face

Tegan: And? How was the flight?

Christine: Lovely, but we're completely knackered right now

David: As lovely as you can expect from British airlines, but I second the being near dust part - he said and Tegan couldn't help but giggle a bit

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