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*10 days later*
*8 AM*
Tegan got up and quickly started changing into her clothes and the noise in the next room alerted the sleeping Dakota, who woke up suddenly due to Tegan's hyperactivity

Dakota: *sleepy* Tegan what are you doing it's early - she groaned and muffled her face in the pillow

Tegan: Sorry! I'm just so nervous, have you seen my Nike's?

Dakota: Living room, but why are you so nervous?

Tegan: Today I get an evaluation on my knee, I could get cleared! - she squealed in happiness

Dakota: Oh my God that's awesome! - she hugged her best friend right

Dakota: You think they'll clear you?

Tegan: Yeah..... I think so, I mean I hope but at the same time I don't want to get too excited.....

Dakota: *giggles* Tegs you're almost surely getting cleared and what if they say no? It's only a matter of time you get back in the ring

Tegan: *deep breath* I guess you're right

Dakota: Nothing new

Tegan: Oh shut up! - she playfully shoved the Kiwi

Dakota: Don't Tell me to shut up! - she put her arm around her and gave her a noogie

Tegan: Ow! That hurt!

Dakota: Respect your elders - she scoffed

Tegan: Fuck off old man - she giggled and unlocked her phone

Tegan: Hi my Panda bear
Kyle: Hi wiz
Tegan: Are you going to the PC today or day off?
Kyle: I wish
Kyle: Gotta work out so I'm bigger for you..... Kinda
Kyle: Why u ask?
Tegan: I'm having an evaluation today
Tegan: Could get cleared
Tegan: Yay!
Kyle: How are you feeling?
Tegan: Gonna explode
Kyle: Everything is going to be good
Kyle: That's a lot of kisses
Tegan: Just a tiny bit of the ones I have with your name on them
Kyle: Awww
Kyle: Bye! Late mate!

*In the PC*
Kyle made it there and started looking for Tegan and Dakota, but instead ended up meeting with the Garganos

Johnny: Hey Matthews!

Kyle: Hi! How's everything going?

Candice: Johnny filled the freezer with pudding again but other than that it's great!

Kyle: *chuckles* How much?

Candice: Too much

Johnny: Come on! There's no such thing as too much pudding

Kyle: I second this

Johnny: In your face! - he high fived Kyle

Kyle: *chuckles* Hey, have you seen Tegan and Dakota by any chance?

Candice: I don't think they're here yet, why you ask?

Kyle: Tegan told me she's having an evaluation on her knee.....

Candice: Oh yeah I forgot! She told me too. God please let everything go fine for her - at that point Dakota and Tegan made their way in

Candice: Hi! - she hugged them both but Tegan was seemingly shook

Johnny: Everything fine?

Tegan: Yeah, just nervous - Kyle then put his palms on her cheeks and their foreheads touched

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now