Kyle and Tegan Q&A

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@WWENXT; Hello world! This is NXT Superstar, President of Kick Country and looking to be NXT Champion Kyle Matthews, I'm having the biggest match of my life in a few days, but before that ask me anything! Also Tegan is here to answer any and all questions she can because everything is better in pairs!

Q: What was your reaction to getting a WWE Contract?

Tegan: He's insisting ladies go first so guess I start. I called mum and told her I was getting a contract on NXT

Kyle: Pretty much the same but fun fact that's literally how we met, we just bumped into each other after I finished my call, best things happen on accident they say

Q: Hi Kyle thanks for doing this! How was getting called to do that first match here in Philly?

Kyle: It was absolutely mental. Triple H called me I think it was two days before Takeover and told me "we're going to need you for the post Takeover Tapings" like the most common thing in the world and I was internally melting down with the news, everything since then has been beyond imagination for me

Q: Hi guys! You both moved to the UK for a few months late last year, biggest culture shocks from leaving home and going across the pond? Goes both ways

Kyle: For me it wasn't as big of a change this time as I had already lived there and knew what to expect but the first time my biggest shock was probably the weather. I had heard that it was cold and rainy all the time but thought it was an exaggeration, spoiler alert: It's not

Tegan: I think biggest culture shock moving to America is how big things are. From food to stores to gyms everything is gigantic, also I wonder why there's always a giant USA flag in car dealerships, does anyone know that one?

Q: Do you have a song/movie that you go and say "this is our thing"?

Kyle: For movies it's the Harry Potter saga, all of it. We're both huge Potter nuts. For songs I think it's safe to say it's C'est la Vie by B*Witched

Tegan: Stop it! He uses that song to make fun of me, boo him guys! Agree on the being Potter fans

Q: If you had to explain what the appeal of your character is, what would you say?

Kyle: This is a good one I love it. Ummm...... I think if I had to say what makes my on screen persona appealing is he may not be the strongest fastest smartest toughest or the best at really anything but he tries his absolute best to whatever he sets himself to do even if he fails, you can see he's putting his heart to it and I think it's something people can connect with and resonate

Tegan: Umm.... Mine I would say is the stereotype Welsh Valleys girl, all sweet and that but don't push her buttons because she's going to kick your a**

Kyle: I want to add the sweet part is not restricted to the character, she's like that 24/7 (PS: This got an aww from her😁)

Q: What was your first date like?

Kyle: First as in us two together? I invited her for Chinese food, went to a park nearby my apartment and played truth or dare, then next thing I know I'm lying on the grass and this girl is sitting on my stomach and there may or may not have been a kiss in there as well

Tegan: You forgot to add you were so shy about asking me out it was so adorable! We said it was "not a date" God knows how many times but guess feelings were too strong to hide?

Q: When the knee injury at the MYC happened, what was the reaction?

Tegan: I don't know if I can speak for everyone but I just felt everything was crushing me, i just wanted to wake up and this was all a bad dream.  As much as it sucked I had an excellent nurse to take care of me

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