No Place Like Home

527 9 109

*Next Tuesday*
*7:30 AM*
Tegan's alarm went off and she quickly turned it off before groaning and starting to get up when she saw a notification on her phone

Kyle: Love
Kyle: Are you awake?
Tegan: Now I am
Kyle: Fuck I'm so sorry didn't want to wake you up
Tegan: Don't worry, it was the bloody alarm
Tegan: I officially hate alarms😡😡😡😡 (imagine this is me pouting)
Kyle: 🤣🤣🤣
Kyle: More like throwing a wobbly
Tegan: How dare you use the slang I thought you against me?
Kyle: I had a good teacher
Tegan: A really good one
Kyle: True
Kyle: You just got up?
Tegan: Yep. Why?
Kyle: Look over the balcony

Tegan then went and saw his boyfriend in a brand new Volkswagen Jetta across the street waving his arms

Kyle: Surprise! - he shouted from across the street, making his girlfriend chuckle in disbelief before she got changed in a hurry and five minutes later she was out of her house and entering the car

Kyle: Hi love - he said with a smile on his face

Tegan: Hi for you too - they quickly kissed - when in the blue hell did you get this beauty of a car?

Kyle: *chuckles* Pretty neat, innit? - he tried to do a British accent similar to Tegan's

Tegan: Are you mocking my British accent? - she tried to look offended while holding back her laughter

Kyle: I'm sorry, I'm sorry - he kept the accent on - I thought it'd be funny, how have you been luv? I spent all night watching Harry Potter movies and only had time for a kip but here I am and full of beans! - he kept the British joke going

Tegan: *chuckles* How dare you kinda accurately mock me? - she couldn't keep it together anymore and started laughing

Kyle: *British accent* Thank you, thank you baby wizard, I made my bloody best effort and if you don't like it you can go kick rocks! - that last part made Tegan laugh even more

Tegan: *laughing* How freaking dare you? I'm so angry I can only laugh because if i don't laugh I will smash something in your Bloody head - she tried to act angry but couldn't stop laughing and Kyle kissed her cheek

Kyle: How would you rate my British impersonation? I think I nailed it

Tegan: *giggles* Don't get too cocky but it was really good. It gets my seal of approval

Kyle: Thanks your majesty - he joked and got Tegan to giggle again

Tegan: Plonker - she playfully hit him in the arm

Kyle: I'll assume you just called me a dummy or a dork here - he shrugged

Tegan: Close enough, it's idiot but yeah, I say it with all my love - she kissed him in the cheek

Kyle: How's having the house for yourself been? I mean with Kota in England for the NXT UK Women's Title tourney tapings it must be pretty cool for you to have some room for yourself for a change

Tegan: It's cool, but it gets pretty lonely at times. I wish I had someone, nights alone suck - she pouted

Kyle: Maybe we can change that today - he teased

Tegan: I'd love that. Can we stop and buy something to eat? I haven't really had breakfast yet

Kyle: Sure. Anything for my favorite person

Tegan: Awww. I love ya panda bear - she wrapped him in a hug

Kyle: *Giggles* No Problem, now let's get going, you have a tournament to train for!

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now