Rehab and Surprises

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*Next Tuesday*
*9 AM*
Kyle made it to the PC and started looking around, wondering if his girlfriend was anywhere to be found, when he bumped into Johnny and Adam

Johnny: What's up Kyle? Looking for something?

Kyle: Actually yes, have you guys seen Tegan by any chance? - he looked for the Welsh girl in the distance but couldn't find her

Johnny: I don't think she's here yet, I haven't seen her with Candice at least

Adam: I was told about her accident at the tapings and Jesus! How is she doing?

Kyle: She's pretty bummed but I mean who the fuck wouldn't?

Adam/Johnny: True

Johnny: How bad is it? I don't want to jump to conclusions but she looked so crushed then

Kyle: She has a torn MCL, Meniscus, dislocated kneecap, broken tibia.....

Adam: Jesus! - he cringed in pain - poor Tegan

Kyle: I know. But on the bright side the ACL and PCL which are the two that take the longest to recover are somehow intact so it should take her between 4 to 6 months to fully recover so at least it's not as long as it could have been

Johnny: It still sucks, she doesn't deserve this man

Kyle: I know and trust me, I don't think there's anyone more upset about it than me......

Adam: Tegan?

Kyle: Well I thought that went without saying - he tilted his head - but really right now I'm just focused on being the best support system she can have and I know everyone close to her is doing the same, she's going to get through this - he then went into the locker room and once he got out he accidentally bumped into Dakota

Dakota: Hey! Watch your step! - she jokingly told him

Kyle: Sorry your majesty - he bowed, making Dakota giggle

Dakota: *giggles* You really are the perfect match for Tegan, you're just as big of a dork - she teased

Kyle: Come on now don't be mean! - he tried to pout - but seriously tho where's Tegan? Wasn't she supposed to start rehab today?

Dakota: Yeah, she's coming later, didn't want to get up, again - she sighed, visibly worried about her best friend

Kyle: I'll try and talk to her, she needs to get started with this - before he could do anything he noticed Glen Jacobs (Kane) entering the Performance Center

Dakota: Dude! - she snapped her fingers in front of him - are you okay?

Kyle: Yeah. Just for the record we're both seeing Kane here for whatever reason, I'm not going crazy right?

Dakota: Nope, that's indeed Kane

Kyle: Now that we confirmed I'm not crazy I have an idea....

Dakota: What? - she tilted her head

Kyle: Give me a second, I'll be back - be then went and approached Kane

Kyle: Excuse me, Mr Jacobs?

Glen: Yes?

Kyle: First of all nice to meet you - they shook hands - my name is Kyle

Glen: Nice to meet you too Kyle. Anything I can do for you?

Kyle: Actually yes. See my girlfriend is a really really big fan of yours, she's probably the biggest Kane fan I've ever seen, she had a pretty big injury last week and I was wondering if you could leave her a message, it'd mean the world to her

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now