Big Offer

715 12 137

*Two days later*
*7 AM*
*Tegan and Dakota's home*

Tegan had woken up a few minutes before and was already making herself a coffee when she heard her best friend calling for her

Dakota: *sleepy* Tegan! Someone is calling you, pick your fucking phone up! - she then muffled her face in her pillow until Tegan saw the identifier

Incoming call: Hunter

Tegan: Hello?

Hunter: Hi Tegan?

Tegan: Yes, how's everything going?

Hunter: Great, thanks for asking. I want to know, how are you feeling? About your knee I mean

Tegan: Oh I feel great! I had no knob at all during the tours so 10/10!

Hunter: Great. I called you because I wanted to inform you we're having a second edition of the Mae Young Classic and since you couldn't partake in the first one we would like to offer you an invitation to do it this time around

Tegan: *gasps* Yes!

Dakota: Don't shout for Christ sake!

Tegan: Sorry.... I-i mean I'd love to, thank you so much for this

Hunter: *chuckles* It's fine, it can be a lot all of a sudden, I'll let you process it, take care

Tegan: Bye! - she then hung up and went running to Dakota's room

Dakota: How the hell you have so much energy? Jesus!

Tegan: I don't know but I'm so excited! - she started jumping up and down in happiness and ecstasy

Dakota: *Giggles* Well, you're going to tell me what's up or what? - she couldn't help but let out a little laugh seeing her best friend like that

Tegan: *giggling* Okay......

Dakota: Stop giggling like an idiot! What happened?

Tegan: *deep breath* Well so Triple H called me, he wants me to be in the Bloody Mae Young Classic! - she squealed in happiness

Dakota: That's awesome! - they high fived - I told you second chances are a thing dude

Tegan: I hate to admit it but you're right *Giggles*. Nevermind I'm so fucking excited now!

Dakota: You'll be great, you're one of the most talented people I know, and I know a lot of people. Watch out world, here comes Tegan Nox! - she didn't get any answers

Dakota: Tegan? - she then saw Tegan calling someone on her phone

Dakota: Rude!

Tegan: Sorry! - she then dialed a number

*Kyle's home*

Kyle was just waking up as his alarm had gone off minutes ago and playing with the puppies in bed when his phone rang and he picked up

Kyle: *half asleep* Hi?

Tegan: Hi luv!- she said with the excitement showing in her voice

Kyle: Hi baby wiz! How's everything going?

Tegan: Not too bad...... Who am I kidding it's bloody great! I'm so happy love!

Kyle: *Giggles* Awwww, and what has you so happy?

Tegan's mind: You're not going to get it that easy luv, I'm having a little fun

Tegan: I don't think if I can tell you now - she teased

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now