On TV, kinda

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*Next day*
Kyle made it to the Full Sail University arena as he was scheduled for the set of tapings of NXT that would start airing next week. He entered the backstage area and first person he saw was Triple H

Hunter: Matthews! Hi, you're early I see

Kyle: Hi boss.... I mean Hunter - his slip up got a grin from the man in charge - yeah, wanted to be early my first day on the show, well, technically the second but still

Hunter: I like that attitude, you know what you have to do tonight right?

Kyle: Yep! Is there a moment this stops feeling unreal? It hasn't happened to me yet

Hunter: *chuckles* I get you kiddo, but don't worry it'll become a habit sooner than later - at that point Dakota saw them talking and joined

Dakota: Hi! How's everything going? - she put her arm on Kyle's shoulder

Hunter: Hi Dakota, just talking about how it feels the first few times around here

Dakota: Oh I know that feeling, want me to show you around?

Kyle: Really? I.....

Hunter: Sure. I've got some stuff to take care of so I guess I'll leave you alone, goodbye! - he then left them alone

Kyle: What's up Kota? - she glared at him while crossing her arms

Kyle: Sorry, KING Kota

Dakota: *giggles* There ya go. How are you feeling, luv? - she imitated Tegan's accent in that last word

Kyle: She told you?

Dakota: We live together dude, plus it was obvious something was going to happen between you two! I'm so happy for you!

Before Kyle could answer they entered catering, where the Garganos were already sitting

Kyle/Dakota: Garganos! - they turned around, Johnny with a cup of pudding on his hand

Candice: Hi!

Johnny: How's everything going? - he ate a spoon of pudding

Kyle: Great! Where did you find that?

Johnny: Oh, over there, there are a lot

Kyle: Cool! - he went and got a pudding himself

Dakota: So everyone here is appearing on the show today?

Kyle: Yep

Candice: Yep

Johnny: That's the case

Tegan then entered behind Kyle's back and hugged him

Tegan: Hi everyone! Hi luv - she kissed his cheek

Johnny: Hold up hold up hold up, it's official now?

Kyle/Tegan: Yep!

Candice: Since when?

Tegan: Yesterday

Dakota: I already knew - she gloated

Candice: What?

Dakota: Tegan told me

Candice: You told her and not me?

Kyle/Johnny: Oh shiiiit

Tegan: Uhh, well..... - she blushed

Candice: First of all, how dare you? Secondly........ Awwww I'm so happy for you! - she hugged them both

Kyle: *giggles* Thanks Candice

Johnny: Her inner matchmaker came out

Candice: Well true, but you look so sweet already!

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now