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*Three days later*
*11 PM*
Kyle and Tegan where back in their hotel room in Oakland and already preparing to go to sleep after a rather exhausting day and were already in bed when Kyle got a text

Hunter: Hi Kyle
Kyle: Hi boss!
Kyle: How's everything going?
Hunter: Fine, thanks for asking
Hunter: Are you still in Oakland?
Kyle: Yes, along with Tegan. Why?
Hunter: I see. Thing is the bookers from Progress called and are asking if you two are available for a show
Kyle: Sure!
Kyle: Wait we can take those?
Hunter: Yes, they're in your contracts
Kyle: Oh! I forgot that. When is it?
Hunter: In 4 days. Tapings are next week so don't worry about that
Kyle: Great. I guess I'll start looking for plane tickets
Kyle: Good night boss

Kyle then turned his attention to his girlfriend, who was coming back from the bathroom

Tegan: What's up luv? - she snuggled next to him

Kyle: Hunter just texted me, apparently the people from Progress called him and they want us for the next show

Tegan: Neat! Yeah Dakota told me something about it but I thought she was being a pest again

Kyle: *giggles* Why would that be a pest?

Tegan: Because she's my best friend, and we're constant pests to each other, but at the end of the day we love the other as well - she smiled and  got a kiss on her forehead

Kyle: That makes a lot of sense - Kyle booped her nose - but is she your favorite person? - he tried to pout, but only got Tegan to chuckle

Tegan: *chuckles* You know the answer ya dummy! But you look so cute like this - she pecked his cheeks and kissed him

Kyle: I love you too - he kissed back as Tegan cuddled on him and he put his arm around his girlfriend who started to fall asleep

*Two days later*
*4 AM*
Kyle's alarm went off and he groggily shut it down before starting to wake up Tegan

Kyle: *whispering* Luv, we have to get up - he got no answer - come on baby wizard - he shook her a bit, now waking her up

Tegan: *groggy* Ugh, what's up now?

Kyle: We have to be at the airport in an hour

Tegan: I hate you so much - she muffled her face in the hotel pillow

Kyle: I'm sorry, but the next flights go out by noon and we would be in England tomorrow instead of tonight

Tegan: *yawns* I still hate this. I want to sleep!

Kyle: *giggles* Okay just get changed, I'll carry you to the cab when it's here and you can sleep there okay? Plus you still have the plane to Orlando and then the one to London for your sleeping pleasure

Tegan: Okay - she rushed to get changed and attend her female duties while Kyle changed as well, Tegan came back from the bathroom and jumped into a hug wrapping herself around him

Tegan: I already did my part, now it's your turn luv - she rested her head on his shoulder

Kyle: Yep, except I have to take a crap!  - Tegan hopped off and Kyle went into the bathroom for a minute before coming out

Tegan: Where was I? Oh yeah - she wrapped herself around him again

Tegan: You're not leaving me hanging this time right? - she said in a cute voice and booped his nose

Kyle: Awwww. Not at all - he hugged back and Tegan rested her head on his shoulder ready for a nap

*Two hours later*
After a cab ride to the airport and going through all the controls, Kyle and Tegan where at their door waiting for the boarding call to be made. Kyle was on his phone when he felt Tegan's head on his shoulder again

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora