Double Duty

345 3 75

Four days later
6 PM
BT Studios, London

Kyle was already in gear and warning up, as he had not one but two matches set for the tapings that night and needed to be in top shape for them. He put on his earbuds to get more focused in what he had to do when he heard some steps behind him and before he could do anything his eyes were covered by a two hands

Kyle: Who could it be? - he put his index on his chin

Tegan: Dunno, you tell me mate - she giggled, clearly having fun with the situation

Kyle: Could it be my favorite sweet little wizard? - he then got his eyes uncovered and Tegan got in front of him

Tegan: Yup! - she had a smile on her face, seemingly happy by what Kyle had just said - how's everything going?

Kyle: Pretty neat, just getting ready for my matches tonight

Tegan: Oh yeah right, I got something for you - she said in a flirty tone

Kyle: And what would that be? - he teased back

Tegan: Since you have to go out twice and need some extra energy I found you this cookie! - She said in a cheerful tone and handed him the sweet

Kyle: Why are you so bloody adorable? - he put his palms on her cheeks and a cute, silly look showed on her face

Kyle: My point exactly - he kissed her forehead

Tegan: *giggles* Must be a gift

Kyle: Yeah, the gift of making my heart melt - he pecked her cheeks and kissed her before she noticed he had an earbud on

Tegan: What you listening to mate?

Kyle: Oh nothing, just music to get me focused in

Tegan: No shit, but what exactly?

Kyle: Umm, this will be a bit embarrassing - he blushed a bright red

Tegan: What's it? - she asked, a bit amused

Kyle: I like listening to Paramore songs, it pumps me up for some reason - he then saw her face lit up

Kyle: What?

Tegan: You like Paramore too? - Kyle nodded - get out! I love them. Mind lending one? - she took one of the earbuds and put play to Let the flames Begin

After the song was over Kyle noticed a gleeful smile on her face

Kyle: What now? - seeing her so happy made him grin as well

Tegan: I have another Paramore fan with me, yay!

Kyle: Awww stop being so sweet! - he grabbed her by the shoulders and playfully shook her - I have to go now, see you late mate

Tegan: Wait! - just before he could leave she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug

Kyle: *giggles* Now what?

Tegan: Oh nothing, this is just my way of wishing you good luck! - she leaned her head against his chest

Tegan: *giggles* Now you can go

Kyle: Fine, but before I do - he kissed her forehead - bye little wiz - he then left and Tegan turned around to see Xia behind her

Tegan: What's up Xia?

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now