Last stop before Takeover

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*Next Wednesday*
*8 AM*
Kyle and Tegan were back in Orlando, in their apartment and their bed, where Kyle woke up in a pretty cold morning and saw his girlfriend covered herself with the blankets all the way up to her chin and tried to wake her up

Kyle: Good morning love - he shook her lightly in the hopes of waking her up but it was unsuccessful

Kyle's mind: Okay plan b - he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, now getting the expected result

Tegan: *sleepy* Umm hi luv - she rubbed her eyes trying to get them to stay open

Kyle: Hi pretty girl - he caressed her cheek, getting a small smile from her - c'mon we have to wake up

Tegan: But the bed is so warm I don't want to get out

Kyle: Didn't want to do this but you give me no other choice - he pulled off the blankets

Tegan: No! Why did you do that, it's cold! - she moaned

Kyle; Sorry but I had to get you out somehow - Tegan then cuddled on him

Kyle: *giggles* What are you doing?

Tegan: Getting comfy again, you're warm too - she said in a cute voice and made herself a ball on his arms

Kyle: Awwww! Get comfy baby wiz - he hugged back - Actually I have an idea

Tegan: What do you have in mind now? - she tilted her head

Kyle: You'll see in a bit - he let go of the hug and covered her in the blankets before leaving

Tegan stayed there a few more minutes but since Kyle didn't come back, she decided to get out of bed. She got on a cozy coat and went to the kitchen, where he saw her boyfriend making something

Tegan: That smells nice, what are you making?

Kyle: Just in time - he winked his eye and served her a hot chocolate in a mug

Tegan: Awww thanks panda bear! This is so nice of you - she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek

Kyle: Well, I was going to bring this to bed so you could be even more fuzzy but it seems you did well for yourself

Tegan: Yup! - she took a zip of the chocolate - it's delicious! - before she could say anything else she had Huff jump on her lap

Kyle: Awww please let me take a photo of this - he took a photo of his girlfriend having a zip of coffee while petting the dog and uploaded it to his stories

@prezkmatt: Now this is next level adorable 🥰🥰🥰🥰@tegannoxwwe

Kyle then showed Tegan the photo, and she giggled a bit

Kyle: What's funny about it?

Tegan: Well first that I look quite lovely there and second that your caption is just as adorable as the photo

Kyle: Helps my girlfriend is cute as a button - he said in a playful tone and Tegan adorably posed

Tegan: Yep! And I have one lucky lad to get all of it - she teased back before noticing something

Tegan: *sniffs* Is that you buddy? - she talked to the dog - luv do they need a shower?

Kyle: Yeah they do, do you want to do it now?

Tegan: Sounds good to me, and after that we can have a shower ourselves - she teased while walking her fingers up the back of his neck

Kyle: Oh! Me likey! - his dorky attitude made Tegan chuckle a bit

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now