At home with the Garganos (and more)

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*Next Tuesday*
*1 AM*
Kyle and Tegan were on a night out with the Garganos, Dakota, Ricochet, Kacy, Adam, Keith and Tommaso when Kyle felt how a forearm was placed in his shoulder

Tegan: Luv? - she asked, clearly not in the most sober state

Kyle: You're feeling good little wizard?

Tegan: I'm knackered, can we go home please? I'm feeling legless

Kyle's mind: She's fucking hammered,  poor Tegan. Guess we're going home early

Kyle: *sighs* How much did you drink this time around?

Dakota: Actually not that much, I have no clue what happened but it hit her like a hammer - Tegan then weakly nodded, backing up her friend's version of things

Kyle: Aww poor you - he wrapped his arms around Tegan as she leaned on him

Johnny: Guys you're leaving already?

Kyle: Yup, looks like somebody is itching for some sleep

Tegan: *yawns* Sorry

Johnny: It's all good, just go and good night!

Tegan: Thanks mate. To make up for this you're all invited home tomorrow night! - her words caught everyone, including Kyle, off guard

Candice: Tegs are you sure this isn't drunk you speaking? Kyle is good with this?

Kyle: What? Sure! Tho l wonder why I was referred in third person, I'm right here - he joked

Candice: *giggles* Oops

Tegan: Don't worry, that's just him being my sweet daft - she nuzzled her head on him

Kyle: *giggles* Shut up - he kissed the top of her head - do we get going before you fall asleep on your feet?

Tegan: Yeah. Night everyone! Remember everyone invited! - they then left for the car

*20 Minutes later*
He drove her to their home, parked the car and when he was just about to get off he noticed Tegan had fallen asleep so he decided to take matters into his own hands

Kyle: *whispering* Love - he shook her arm gently, trying to wake her up and succeeding on it as she opened her eyes

Tegan: *half asleep* Uhh, are we home yet? - her sleepy, and unintentionally adorable antics made Kyle smile

Kyle: *giggles* Yeah we're home, you have to get out of the car, you can fall asleep right when we get home - he got out of the car and opened her door

Tegan: Aww what a gent, but my legs are still weak and wobbly, can you help pweeze? - she put on her best puppy eyes

Kyle: Awww, I'm not going to carry you all the way home you're not a baby, tho I can help you out here - he picked her up and out of the car before putting her back in the ground

Tegan: Pretty please? I'm too tired luv - she accompanied her puppy eyes with a pouty lip

Kyle's mind: Ugh, you're too cute it's not fair

Kyle: Tegs you're not a little kid, now stop before my heart goes liquid

Tegan: But I thought I was your little wizard - she looked down to the floor in sadness

Kyle: *giggles* I have no counter argument to that, you win - he picked her up again as the still sleepy Tegan rested her head on his shoulder

Tegan: Thank you - she said in a cute voice before planting a kiss on his cheek

They then got to their apartment and Kyle left Tegan on the bed, but before he could head to the couch he heard her voice behind him

Tegan: Where are you going luv?

Faster Stronger Shiner (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now