Wind and Snow

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I never wear a hat.

It is pretty cold today as I take my Journey one step after another.

The lady in the car was quite a distraction for me.

I wasted precious moments looking at her.

Wondering what she was doing there.

She must not enjoy the cold as she kept the car running.

Waiting on her companion to return, she looked bored.

I bet she never seen me looking at her.

She had lovely eyes.

Her eyes were darker than Espresso.

I always loved the cold.

Enjoy the wind whipping my long hair back and forth.

The cold cuddles the skin I always thought.

The heat smothers the body and takes the breath away.

Shivering is good, Sweating is bad. My opinions.

Yes, I like sunshine but cool sunshine.

Like Today, the perfect day.

This morning there was even snowflakes.

Each individual flake in the air,

Melting before it hit the ground.

I hurried and got ready after sunrise to play with the magic in the sky.

Going round and round in a circle. 

Until the snow had left and the wind had arrived.

Back home now and everything is calm,

Except the wind.

The wind still rattles the windows.

I look out and see the animals outside.

Squirrels roaming around looking for acorns.

Birds in the bird bath quite annoyed there water has turned into ice.

Stray cats ignoring the humans until they get hungry.

I smile and think how Beautiful Creation is.

How Nature is never really explained.

I drink a hot cup of tea.

Listen to the wind and close my eyes.

Peace and Light fill me.

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