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                Soft Music,

Lights off, shades drawn tight.

Shoes and socks off.

Eyes closed, mind clear.

Imagination takeover.

Bright Colors, Sounds of Raindrops falling slowly.

Sunlight from Inside warming the skin,

that was once cool from the drafty house.

Faint sound of the clock ticking,

Blending nicely with the music.

The ticking clock becomes a Butterfly in my mind.

I am the Butterfly, moving about happily looking for nectar.

Flying  high my breath quickens.

I fly past mountains, past lakes, past cars.

I touch the lake with one wing, the wetness is exhilarating.

I leave the noisy cars on the road and head for the neon green grass.

Excitement fills me, I smell nectar.

Pretty Flowers are all around me.

I have my pick of Roses, Tulips, Hyacinths, Sweet Peas and more.

I take a taste of each one, they are all so different.

They are all there own kind of sweet.

Contentment fills me up. 

The music stops, my eyes opens.

I put on my socks and shoes.

        Stress All Gone.




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