He Was Listening

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It's her nervous nature that makes her so wordy,

as she talks to herself she learns a lot about herself she never knew.

Pouring the coffee, cream, sugar into the fragile cup,

words pour out of her mouth of a story not many are lucky enough to hear,

only herself, her dog and a stranger outside her window that she does not see,

with ears perked standing off to the side he hears every word she speaks,

through the open crack of her window,

day after day he watches her pour the coffee and hears her tell her story,

he waits in the sunshine with short sleeves and sunglasses,

he  waits in the rain with his favorite old umbrella,

he waits in the cold with a scarf wrapped around his mouth,

 every season he hangs on to all the words that keep spilling from her mouth to his ears,

until one day the wordy lady sees the crack in the window and the words stop,

walking over to the window she closes it so tight a piece of salt could not get in,

then she sits back down in her chair picks up her cup and opens her mouth to start telling her story again,

soon after the wordy lady hears knocking coming from her door,

standing there with the door open she sees a strange man staring at her,

we know him as the listener to her story,

he walks over and starts petting her dog that is happily wagging it's tail,

her dog that growls and nips at everyone when she walks it down the street,

now the man sits in her favorite chair and picks up the coffee cup,

What did I miss he asks her?

Miss what? The wordy lady asks confused 

Your story, what did I miss in your story when you shut the window?

Who are you? the wordy lady asked with fear at his dark gray eyes peering at her.

Looking sad the man asked "You don't recognize me?"

The wordy lady muted by fear silently nodded no,

Standing up giving her a hug the man who had listened to all the words

the wordy lady said when the window was cracked told her,

Maria, I am your son.

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