Week Of Poems

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To Celebrate my 25th poem in this series ( the half way mark) I decided to write a week of poems, one for each day of the week :) Hope you enjoy them ♥

Sunday's Poem - The Day She Came Back To Visit

You almost forgot about her,

it had been that long.

Another lifetime ago when you were weak,

that's when she controlled you,

made you burn with her lips of bitterness,

texture of honey, taste of rusty acid,

the burning sticky holes, they call sores all along your flesh.

sores that would take decades or centuries to count how many.

The switch turned on and out came all the wickedness,

catching the ray of sadness that she pours out,

to the center of the electric sinew of power,

taking over your movements, your thoughts, your sweet intentions.

She is here to take away the happiness you spent long hours building,

when she left you were nothing but earth that she could crumble,

hold in her hands and rip apart, pat to the ground with a desire for moisture,

laughing at you beg for water, she teases you with droplets,

she never gave you a full drink, enjoying your weakness as you became dusty.

She goes to crumble you again now,

not this time, your not just earth anymore,

inside hidden in your core is a precious metal she will not ever,

crumble, rip apart or tease with thirst.

looking at her weak, bruised hand,

She mumbles "It has been that long?"

your answer is a wistful smile

it had been that long

You almost forgot about her.

Monday's Poem- Four Weeks

New goals set this morning,

as I drink a second cup of energy.

The sun not as bright as my excitement,

I give myself four weeks to get everything all together,

an oath in writing so I know I won't back down.

Writing is the only way I listen to myself,

getting those confused voices in my head to calm down.

For something so simple I feel I need to be so brave,

this is the hyper, paranoia they tell me that I have.

What others see as little things, within my sight become big because to me nothing in life is small

when you enter my world, ants are the size of dinosaurs.

Reminders to myself in case I may forget,

Don't aim for perfect - Aim for Real,

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