Friendship Between The Sky & The Sun

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 Sky was all alone for years,

a gray blob of wispy air that had no clouds, no color.

One day the Sun knocked on Sky's door and asked if he could hang around awhile.

At this time the Sun was made of many colors,

Yellow, Blue, Gray, Turquoise, Orange, Pink and even Purple.

Enchanted by Sun's colors,

Sky was delighted to share her world with someone so beautiful,

on this day Sky and Sun became best friends.

Sun showed Sky how to play lots of games, 

it was during hide and seek that Sun splashed color onto Sky's face.

Laughing at the tickle of light Sky became many shades of blue,

as a prism is twirled around in light when the rays of Sun shine onto Sky she changes her colors.

In the distance Sun hears his brother call him to come home.

Sky also hears Sun's brother calling Sun to come back home,

 she loses all her blue color becoming gray once again ,

overwhelmed by a deep sadness of loss she has never felt before she makes the first raindrops.

Sun's brother Moon puts his arms around Sky telling him not to be sad,

patting him on the back he said I will stay with you til my brother returns.

Sky looked up and seen nothing but the Moon's darkness,

yet it was peaceful and this peace shadowed onto Sky,

causing her gray to become the same color as the Moon.

Moon got confused where he ended and Sky began,

so he used his magic to make dust lights they decided to call stars,

Thousands of stars now shined out of Sky 

Moon looking at the magic they created smiled at Sky in approval, 

this is when the little sliver of light shined from the Moon's edges,

the longer Moon smiled the more he glowed.

As Sun returned the next day Sky's stars became wisps of air called clouds,

Sky waving his arms made the clouds float and change shape.

Sun watched all the shapes appear giving each one a name.

After lots of time passed Sky, Sun and Moon grew a bit distant,

Sky loved her friends but also needed to be alone,

so her friendly nature became windy with anxiety, 

Sun not liking the chilly attitude shook with thunder inside of her belly,

sparking out as streaks of lightning  that made Sky cry,

raindrops sprinkling on the earth in little droplets like a soft touch,

the storm passing from Sky to Sun until a peaceful agreement between them was reached,

from hand to hand an apology between the two powerful forces,

creating arcs made up of all the colors Sky and Sun now share.

One day as they were happily playing their games,

Sky told Sun he heard the people call the arcs Rainbows.

Sun smiled at Sky and said people are funny,

they don't know Love when they see it.

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