Lover's Bouquet

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My body had been awake all morning,

my mind filled with wisps of day dreams,

Memories sweeter than the perfumed air

made by the wind blowing on the ginger lilies and magnolias growing wild around the longest strands of grass.

I put a lily in your hair and you laughed at me.

The sparkle in your eye blinded me, making me nervous so I playfully ran away.

Running from my fear of losing control, my feeling of being over taken by

your beauty, the nagging feeling its not all real.

Was I paranoid or were you holding back?

My thoughts becoming an obsession of how to please your desires,

scared of losing myself in becoming one with you, 

not ready that day or many days after,

I decided to wait. 

Not sure if it was that relief I seen in your eyes or disappointment,

but you did not push and waited as well.


My thoughts wilder than the fire we burned that first night

the glorious amber flame flickering, heating up the room,

on the coldest night of that year.

Sneaking looks at you through the flickering flames,

the chase was over, that is the night you caught me

deep in the wooded heart of my jungle you found me alone and shaken.

Putting your warm arms around me, keeping me safe from danger.

No longer alone.

I did not lose myself that night,

I had been lost without you, 

when we became one I was finally found.

Free now from the prison of the forest,

the forest of trees I started planting the day I was born.

No more denial or scared feeling of dying without

being who I was meant to be.

Who I was meant to be was the person I now was.


I can smile now at that angry storm,

hails of hateful words we threw at each other.

The objects thrown out of frustration to be heard

and longing for the sign of surrender,

tied to the feeling of self righteousness

for we both knew we were right and pride would not let us give in.

Time settles all fights,

I smile now because we were both wrong,

I guess we never considered that possibility.

Somehow when we were both wrong it was all right.

Thankfully we survived to see the rainbow.


Walking home my body and mind in sync now,

I stop to see the pretty flowers growing wild in the park.

many pretty buds growing and changing every day,

every minute soaking up as much sun as they can.

They learn from a seedling to make the most of every day

never an anxious thought given of when the right time to bloom

will be for they know it will happen when its meant to happen.

Bending down I gather many flowers arranging them neatly 

among them are roses, sweet peas, hyacinths but the ones 

that make me smile are the ginger lily and magnolia.

The sweet smell of love in the air with every step I take 

leading my heart home to you.

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