Dancing Under The Autumn Stars

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The earth had a party last night.

I showed up in my gown and slippers dancing under the light of the moon.

The light was soft and the glow was huge under my feet,

guiding my steps as the music of the Autumn winds played into my ears.

I am sure I was not in perfect rhythm but the stars and the winds clapped for me anyway with a fevered passion.

A short time later the wind got calmer playing a slower song,

Slow songs are always sad to dance alone to so I put my head down,

turning to go inside with my aching heart pounding hammers into my chest.

I did not see you there watching me from a distance behind the huge oak tree,

so when you came up behind me taking my hand,

pulling it away from the screen door I just had grabbed,

I blushed but held on to your hand with a tight grip,

hoping you did not feel the clammy wetness.

You put your arms around me and danced in perfect rhythm to the stars shimmering lights,

the winds of the slow Autumn breeze blowing our long strands of hair together,

Your blonde locks falling across my chin making me laugh at the tickle.

Until the early morning we swayed and moved until we floated on the air of the magic in the night.

As the sun started to rise you looked at me kissing my hand then left me there staring.

All I can remember is the gorgeous eyes and feel of your hands,

with the promise I would see you again tonight.

So here I sit waiting to dance with you again under the autumn stars. 



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