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The air is sticky, the sky growing dark.

Spring time is here bringing liquid petals of magic that fill the sky.

The heavy droplets fill the air hitting the window pane with fury.

The dirt of the earth soggy and glistening off the cloudy stream of sunlight.

Underneath the flowers seeds are the child being born by the love of sun's warmth,

mated with natural water of life.

In a few weeks there love will bloom.

Babies vast in numbers, colors, sizes and shapes.

Beauty Unique, Pleasing to the eyes,

many noses filled up with sweet aromas of new springtime births.


The mother's eyes blinked and she softly sighed looking at the mess that just came in her front door.

Which should she clean first she thought looking at the barking chaos happy as he always is beside her.

Making muddy paw prints all over her newly scrubbed floor.

Then her gaze rests on her 4 year old daughter, the braided hair matted and clumps of dirt mixed with twigs in her barrettes.

"What Happened?" the mother asks with an eyebrow raised.

With an adorable smile melting the heart of the mom the little girl points at the doggie and says " Wolf wanted to play tag and I fell into the bush"

Looking stern mom picks up the dog "Well both of you won a bath today follow me"

As she turns to go up the stairs her face hidden from her daughter she smiles and thinks back to her springtime fun as well.


Twelve minutes has passed and the furious big droplets in the air are now a memory.

Somewhere someone is standing next to a puddle with an umbrella trying there best to not get soaked as they wait for there ride.

When a passing car splashes into the large puddle ,

water goes everywhere, streams down the pants, up the nose and even into the open mouth that gasps from shock.

Shaking fists and hard biting words are spoken from the unhappy half drowned human just trying to go to work.

This will all be made better by going home later on that night and taking a nice long Bubble Bath filled with.......... Water.

Magic, Playful, Messy.......RAIN.

New Beginning, New DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon