Road Work

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Two fingers opening the blind letting a slip of light stream in

just enough to to see the 8 men in front of her,

her gaze wandering to them,

then to the people passing by,

back and forth she stares,

blinking in rhythm with the hum of heavy machinery.

taking in all the peace, chaos, beauty, ugliness

on the street half covered with black colored pavement.

The worker men sweating onto the dark mixture,

from the tallest worker she counts 35 drops in less than two hours,

It must be hard, exhausting work she thinks to herself.

She is so close that her heartbeat,

vibrates to the strokes of the machines and muscles of the fit men,

fixing the cracks in the road, presenting a new fresh road to be traveled on.

It tickles a giggle out of her every now and then.

She sees the man with the stop and go slow signs,

two houses up from her house,

counting the frowns and shakes of heads,

of the people in cars asked to stop for a few moments.

In the two hours she watched 28 cars pass,

34 frowns (counting drivers and passengers), 20 head shakes,

not one raised hand to say thank you.

They are not grateful to have the cracks repaired,

Rushing to there destination making them impatient, annoyed.

In there yellow and black vest coats,

the workers with there shiny orange hard hats smile and laugh not annoyed

by the hot, sweltering sunshine.

Old grey gravel putting a mist of dusty ash into the air

as the new, young, baby,dark, gorgeous road is replacing it.

Then the louder noises start, holding her ears, shaking her head as

blaring sounds from the huge machines start to make her head ache.

there was a fix for that in the little ear buds that knocked out

sound, as she is laying in the rose colored bed with

pretty green leaves and blue flowers,

right before she goes off to sleep for a nap,

a memory peeks into her mind of her mom who took all 8 workers a cold soda,

also thinks of the frowns and shakes of heads of the people in the cars.

Smiling she whispers I love my Mom♥

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