Extra Lottery Ticket

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My companion and I went out to buy a lotto ticket like we did most Tuesday nights,

everything looked the same except for one thing different I noticed on the way home ,

the woman sitting on the bench next to the lilac bag.

I seen the hole in the lilac plastic bag before I seen her,

Through the hole I seen a glimpse of a comb, some clothes and a pack of gum.

With each step closer my view of her got clearer,

Looking past the belongings,

to see her slightly calloused fingers, 

her short gray hair neatly in place, 

her beautiful dark brown complexion blemish free, 

the bruise shaped like a quarter on her arm,

the three missing teeth she tried to hide when she coughed.

She could have been my grandmother's age I thought. 

Where was her family? 

the question I repeated over and over in my mind.

Then she spoke words that I believe to this day I only heard.

Can you help me ?

I don't want to live like this anymore, 

Can you help me??

She spoke out of routine in a gentle voice, 

not surprised as the people passed her by. 

My companion stopped walking and stared at the lady with the lilac bag,

her stare full of judgment and anger,

seething as the storm builds up to take down a little run down barn. 

How dare the hurricane be slowed down by this little bit of wood and paint.

Before it trapped me in its winds strength of steel, 

I gave her all my change and the extra lotto ticket I bought earlier,

The Jackpot was a record tonight so I was gonna double my chances for a big win I had thought.

The lady next to the lilac bag in her surprise let a tear slide down,

took both my hands in hers and said the first prayer I had ever heard said just for me.

My companion was no longer angry at the lady with the lilac bag,

instead she sulked all the way home angry at me now, 

and I had the biggest smile on my face with every step on our Journey.

If your wondering did I win the lottery that night, 

no I didn't, 

but I did hear out of 3 winners one was bought from the store I bought my tickets.

Although I always kept my eyes open whenever I cross that familiar road,

I never seen the lady with the lilac bag ever again. 

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